5:1 Speakers system for use with Onkyo TX-NR3007 receiver in a small room just under 4metre squared. Q Acoustics 2000 ?


New member
Nov 30, 2009

At present I am using an Onkyo TX-NR3007 AV receiver with Mordaunt Short Avant 904i (small floorstander) 905c (centre), Mordaunt Short Genie satellites for rears and Mordaunt Short Mezzo 9 subwoofer in a 4m squared room (just under 4metre). Brought amp for its upscaling / picture adjustment functions.

I like the look of the new Q Acoustics 2000 speaker package but with the larger 2020 bookshelf speakers as fronts as they can be biwired. I like the look of this system with its matching stands and centre/rear brackets which allows the centre speaker to be angled (which is useful as my centre speaker will have to go above the TV). I will keep Mezzo 9 subwoofer as it allows me to flatten out frequencies (+8 at around 50 Hz if not adjusted) which is a good idea for my room size.

My question is will the sound be a step backward? I like style of this system and it will not look overpowering in the room, but the sound must be a least as good as present setup.

I need a 5:1 speaker system that is suited to my room size, so if ang one has any other suggestions that include advice on front bookshelf / small floorstander speakers which will work well 8inch/20cm or closer from back/rear wall and 50cm from the side walls. Also the room can only accommodate small rear speaker (not large bookshelf), as the seating area is towards the back of the room. I may have to mix and match speaker from same company.

Any thoughts / advice


Any thougths on the above i.e best 5:1 speaker system in a room just below 4 x 4 metre (small room so must have small rears sat's and standmount / small floorstander fronts speakers which can be place around 200ml +/- 100m from back wall and 500mmish from side walls) to use with Onkyo TX-NR3007 receiver . I will think about keeping my current sub Mezzo 9 (mordaunt Short) for new set up.
Which satellites sound the best as front rears (and equivalent centres speakers) with music/movies etc, Kef HTS3001SE Satellite, B&W M-1 of Q acoustics 2010 or 2020. I need 5.0 speakers to add to a Mordaunt Short Mezzo 9 subwoofer in a smallish room. See previous posts
Your Q-acoustics will sound good with the Onkyo - it is a great speaker package. The Onkyo can offer a lot more though and if you can increase your budget you will see big gains in the sound.

As for your rear speakers I would go for the biggest you can. If style is the main consideration at the rear of the room then the Kefs will be a better match to the onkyo than the B&W's.
I agree with TheHomeCinemaCentre. I don't want ot be a party-pooper,
but the Onkyo is a lot of amp to be using with these packages.
We'd suggest partnering it with a package that comes in around £2500, if not closer
to thte £3000 mark to really get the best out fo the amp. Of course, this is just a suggestion... If this isn't possible, then we'd at least recommend you use the Onkyo with full-sized speakers.
Hi, thank for that

My room is just a bit smaller than 4metre squared and I sit quite close to opposite wall (15-18inch away) from the front's / TV, so I worry that floorstanding speakers would suffer from to much bass at the listening position. I already have a mezzo 9 sub which is good for controlling amount of bass. So do you would think that a Mezzo 1 and Mezzo centre would be okay? I could then keep the Mordaunt Short Genie's as the rear speakers.

I have two problems with the Mordaunt short's mezzo option

1.The problem I have with the mezzo 1 would be they would have to be sited just over 0.5metre from side wall and could not be any further away from back wall than 25cm. The Q Acoustic's suppose to work well in any position (hopefully that true of the Q acoustics 2020 as well).

2. the problem is that Mezzo centre is that they would have to be sited on the wall above my LCD TV, which means they would be 5ft from ground. I have yet to find a wall bracket which will angle a centre speaker of this type down at the listen postion. The Q Acoustics centre has a bracket designed to allow speaker to be angle toward listener.

So I need a wall bracket for a mezzo centre.


If I do get the Q Acoustic system it would be with the 2020 (not 2010) for bi-amping. Then at a later date I would consider buying a Velodyne SPL800 Ultra subwoofer.

Any other suggestion or advice would help.

PS. which is best setting "-8 level setting in amp / -18db on sub" or 0 sub level setting in amp / -26db on sub itself. The mezzo 9 subwoofer has no volume dial to set just under half way. The sound seem to be better the 2nd setting however I worry I may not be getting the best out of sub.


What is it you are trying to improve upon?

If you are seriously considering the Velodyne then I would suggest leaving that plan well alone for just now and investing that £1000 in the speakers.

A set of Dali Ikon 5's ( for instance ) at the front will match very well with the Onkyo, give you more bass but not over power your room and will left the levels of detail.