3rd pair of speakers in 6 months


New member
Mar 14, 2015
musical fidelity a3.2 cd/amp

I started off with a proac 125, got tempted by a cheap deal and good listening audition of proac 1.5 5 months ago so bought this and sold 125, £100 price dif

Now I put in a ridiculously low bid for a proac 2.5 and won that, have a neighbour who desperately wants that 1.5 so price dif is only £50

So ive ended up with my 3rd speaker in under 6 months, gone 2 notches up the proac range for little money.

Now components. Will the musical fidelity do these speakers justice. I have had these since new , resale value would be around £800 for both which considering I spent £1200 over 15 years ago isn't bad going.

Or should I look elsewhere, budget is kind of flexible but not really looking to spend an arm and a leg.

Ive considered valve amps for the first time ever, croft micro 25 pre with power amp, I dont want to go down class a in all honesty.

Id prefer for obvious reasons an integrated but a pre/power would definitely be ok,dont want two poweramps if possible.

Second hand has generally been very good for me and would be my preferred option.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
I think if looking at Valves - Jadis, Leben and Unison Research would be a good choice.

On the Hybrid front, Pathos should also work.
I had a look at those two brands you suggested, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw those prices lol
pravstar said:
I had a look at those two brands you suggested, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw those prices lol

There were 3 Tube brands and one hybrid one.....all quality stuff.

What is your upper limit?
I’m a bit puzzled as you seem to say you are considering valves, but then say you don’t want to go the Class A route. I don’t know how you can satisfy that conflict!

What have you ever heard with your speakers aside from your current amp? Perhaps you need to do a bit of legwork around dealers to get your bearings, as it were?
Pravstar, you've been using a very sensible approach to system building. Looking out for used items at the right price and then comparing them at home and keeping whichever you prefer.

If the MF amp won't do your latest Proacs justice, is that the fault of the amplifier or the speakers? Most people would say amplifier. I would say speakers. There's no right or wrong answer.

The initial retail prices are no indication whatsoever as to whether you should change the amp or speakers next for best results.

Valve vs solid state. It's horses for courses. As a hugely sweeping generalisation, for best, most natural, most transparent midrange go for a good valve amp. For best bass and highest maximum volume go for solid state. The differences between a really good valve amp and a really good solid state are not that large with valve friendly (efficient and relatively high minimum impedance) speakers.

If you see an amplifier deal where you can try something for minimal cost compared to the selling value of your MF, by all means go ahead and try it. Same applies to your speakers. Same applies to your DAC / CD player. Possibly even more so. Check out places like the Lampizator pages for his suggestions on CD players / DACs that sound good and can be bought for £50. Feel free to try some Lampizator DIY modding too.
nopiano said:
I’m a bit puzzled as you seem to say you are considering valves, but then say you don’t want to go the Class A route. I don’t know how you can satisfy that conflict!

What have you ever heard with your speakers aside from your current amp? Perhaps you need to do a bit of legwork around dealers to get your bearings, as it were?

+1 Seems like the OP needs to forget valves if he is worried about costs.
I'm guessing that you like the sound of Proac speakers by your recent purchases, but do they sound good with your amp or not?

Are you saying they are not a good match or there may be something out there more suitable? Have you liked the MF and Proac combo up to now?

I'm just trying to understand if you're just curious or if you are not happy with the sound of your current amp / speakers - or haven't you heard them together yet?
It's okay not going for class a. Another two good, and kinda cheap, valve-brands are Cayin (A55T) and Prima Luna. Sorry but no hybrids please! It's the best of both sides, but also the worst.

Nice to read that you have your 3rd Prozac in so short time ;-) Then you never have time to get used to one of them. You may go for the topmodel in one year ? Just kidding.

Good luck with the demo's.


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