2010 upgrades????


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Im looking to do some upgrades soon for this year, was wondering if anyone could fire some suggestions my way. Firstly my hifi setup will be totally rehoused, with my amps being directly in the middle of my two speakers,(this is for point 2).

1. I would like to buy a high quality mains conditioner for my hifi.

2. I would like to buy two runs of speaker cable which are the fancy pre made types, with banana plugs, sheilding on them, etc.

3. I want new powercords, 1 for cd player, 2 for amps.

Points 1 and 2 are my biggest concern, as the powercord market seems quite limited. Any suggestions would be great...
For a mains conditioner Isotek seem to get good reviews. A bit too rich for me

Ive seen a Tacima IFI22 though. £150. Cant find any reviews but may be worth looking into.

Clearer Audios mains cables have a 60 day money back guarantee.Cant go wrong there!

Jasefox seem to like Russ Andrew powercords. Have a look for his recent threads.


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