fayeanddavid:Easy peasy to demo PQ, not so easy for SQ though, also having to transfer by LPCM over HDMI, seems that previous advice was that all should be OK with SQ and PQ was the deal
No way I can demo SQ in store, but is it sense to work on the premise that something like the Cambridge 650 will out gun the LG 390/Sony 760 in terms of SQ performance?
Seems as if I may have to persuade RS to allow me to demo two at home and then return one!
As regards HDMI, I also subscribe to the notion that not all HDMI cables are equal, and have evidenced this when moving up from Nordost to Chord in terms of PQ, so to me it makes sense that SQ should improve also
If you can get your shortlist on home demo over a weekend I would defo recommend that, then you can take your time , with your own equipment and your own room , so much better than a dem room
My local Sevenoaks were excellent in this regard just paid a deposit for both machines