Your Favourite Top Album list threads on the WHIFI Forum


Nov 4, 2008
Being a little, read a lot,facetious here, but how many top album threads do we need to see. Don't get me wrong, I've read, watched and loved Hi Fidelity as much as the next cool, vinyl adoring, mix tape making, list loving dude but things are getting out of control..... What's next, top ten albums by artist. Although I've been taken on by one or two it's getting a bit much, reign it in guys!
Hi Tonestar1,

I see these lists as a lot of inspiration to discover new music. Nothing wrong with that, right?

And if you don't like it, treat them as cable threads: skip 'em!

And more than anything: feel free to start more interesting threads yourself. Many on here will appreciate it!


PS: your suggestion of a top-10 per artist is a good one! Go for it! 😉
Tonestar1 said:
Being a little, read a lot,facetious here, but how many top album threads do we need to see. Don't get me wrong, I've read, watched and loved Hi Fidelity as much as the next cool, vinyl adoring, mix tape making, list loving dude but things are getting out of control..... What's next, top ten albums by artist. Although I've been taken on by one or two it's getting a bit much, reign it in guys!

There's Pop, Indie, Classical, Jazz at least to come.

Personally I have no interest in Vinyl threads, valve amp threads, TV threads, etc, but I simply ignore them...Pretty simple 🙂
Most of these threads are in the right section of the forum - the one concerned with what people are listening to and watching - so I don't see what the issue is. At the end of the day, without the content (music, spoken word, films etc.) the equipment would be a complete and utter waste of time. Hi-Fi is there to serve the music so why not spend some time sharing preferred albums and songs?

As has already been suggested, if you don't like those threads don't read them. There are whole sections of the forum that don't interest me, so I never go into them.
plastic penguin said:
Seem to remember the good old days when these type of threads were in the right section... (Gawd, I'm a drippy sentimentalist)

You are so Web 1.0. This is the SEMANTIC web, PP, didn't you get the memo?
Hi-Fi section has become a dumping ground for all and sundry, despite it saying at the top:
"Hi-Fi Discover how to make the most of your music, with the CD players, turntables, amplifiers and speakers that really shine, at all budgets"
Tonestar1 said:
Being a little, read a lot,facetious here, but how many top album threads do we need to see. Don't get me wrong, I've read, watched and loved Hi Fidelity as much as the next cool, vinyl adoring, mix tape making, list loving dude but things are getting out of control..... What's next, top ten albums by artist. Although I've been taken on by one or two it's getting a bit much, reign it in guys!

I say we start a thread asking posters to pick their top 5 what hi-fi thread parody threads that take the EDITED out of other people's threads.
ID. said:
Tonestar1 said:
Being a little, read a lot,facetious here, but how many top album threads do we need to see. Don't get me wrong, I've read, watched and loved Hi Fidelity as much as the next cool, vinyl adoring, mix tape making, list loving dude but things are getting out of control..... What's next, top ten albums by artist. Although I've been taken on by one or two it's getting a bit much, reign it in guys!

I say we start a thread asking posters to pick their top 5 what hi-fi thread parody threads that take the EDITED out of other people's threads.

Best top 5/10 list suggestion I've I've read all day... 🙂

Point I was hinting at, though not very well, mainly due to working for 16 hours and tesing out some Japanese single malt last night, is that anytime there is a reasonably popular thread, a plethora of people post a thread of extremely similar theme. Not only does it dilute the input to the original thread it smacks of desparation by jumping on the bandwagon in a hope their copycat thread will be equally as popular. Tbh I realy liked the first couple of top ten style threads but when it got to five or over in a day or two I felt it took somethign away from the original.

For example if the electronic thread had ran for a few days a lot of people who dont normally listen to that genre would have read the posts, maybe listened to a few tracks and perhaps even contributed. This could have pulled up some real gems and opened up a load of new music for people who decided to give a couple of those suggestions a listen. I would also be really interested in a predominately jazz or classical fan's taste in electronic music.

Now there are so many threads running at once on the same theme people will only tend to read the thread most relevant to their taste. Thi lessens the chance of anyone listening to a genre of music they may haven't really been into before. I still think the threads are a great idea but think sticking with one for at least few days would benefit everyone.


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