Yarland tube amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Has anyone heard something about Yarland tube amps? I know these are from China but are they good for something?

Yes very good apparently. At least the review of their FV-34B integrated amp says it was.

It looks Italian, is made in China and tweaked in the UK. They are a 'direct buy' type with 30 days home trial period.

Cost £499 and as good as amps twice the price. Sounds a veritable bargain if your into tubes!!
Is that you KK ?

Are you a psychic floyd droid?

This has been asked of me many times Al. Nice one mate and take your time, theres loads to go at as you well know.

Back on topic, i read about that yarland well before kk got his mits on it. Its a no brainer for 500 quid really isnt it.

Glowing in the dark. You know it makes sense
Yes. Not having seen it in the flesh, but it does look the dogs' dangly bits!

I guess KK knows what he's talking about and you're right about the no brainer. As he points out the tubes alone are around a ton!

Regards my set up I've decided to do all Tom Evans amplification. Going to have a good listen to his Linear A power amp, already got the Vibe Preamp so should have a all new system soon. Primares, good though they are, will be advertised soon.

Only problem with his amp is its so tall looks like my Atacama Equinox stand will be heading towards Ebay soon as well!
Only problem with his amp is its so tall looks like my Atacama Equinox stand will be heading towards Ebay soon as well!

Take a look at Stands Unique. Loads of scope for height adjustment*. Glass that will hold a Panzers weight. And look the mutts doodahs too. Thats what i use.

* 1" increments or there abouts up the entire leg length.
Thanks for that. I will investigate them. Had been in contact with Hi Fi Racks and they can do any leg length you want but other avenues are good.

To the original OP.

Apologies for rather hi-jacking your thread. Further info on the Yarland including a good review by KK can be found in latest issue of another great hifi mag namely HiFi News.


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