Yamaha RXV367 vs Sony STRDH510 vs Onkyo TXSR308


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can't decide.

Both have the 3D functionality and the only main difference I see see is that the Sony has HDMI Audio.

Richer Sounds have the Sony at £139 and the Yamaha at £169.

The Onkyo TXSR308 is at £199. The obvious difference is 1 extra HDMI socket and it had TRUE HD SOUND + Multiroom.

Is a receiver lacking the True HD Audio really that much of a disadvantage? Is paying £60 over the Sony justifiable?

Could you stretch to the Sony STRDH810 at £250 ish?

I have a 5.1 system and have thought about the 510 because of remote compatability with my TV and Blueray though have not seen it reviewed hence I have been thinking 810 or perhaps the Yamaha RXV567.

Yes, did look at that and the chap in Richer Sounds also suggested the Onkyo TXSR508. I know it does have more features, just wondering if it really is worth stretching to.

The other issue is, if I do stretch to £250 then I'm faced with...

Pioneer VSX520

Yamaha RXV567

Sony STRDN610

It's a mine field out there.

Saying that the Sony STR-DN1000 gets great reviews with True HD and upscaling and at £199.

....a better option?
if you can strech i would go for the pioneer, i have 1 and auditioned it against the sony`s and the pioneer came out on top, all others have bells and whistles but not alot of guts, i found the pioneer filled my 4.5x 5.0 living rom with alot to spare,

my opinion


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