Yamaha DSP - Z7 networking


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Aug 10, 2019
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For some strange reason my Z7 can't read my music files on my PC. It worked fine for the last 8 months but today i keep getting "No Content"

I've checked IP addresses, firewall settings and checked cables etc. Windows Media Player finds the Z7 no problem and links to it under shared media. It seems like the amp can't find my PC. It can't be internet connection because the Internet radio works fine. I've spent most day trying to sort it out but i'm getting frustrated now. I tried Google but not much help there.


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Dec 23, 2007
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I'm not familiar with your kit but can you access your router's admin and see if both devices are connected and have IP addresses in the same subnet?

Is it possible that whatever device that assigns the IPs need a reboot?


Thanks for the quick response. I checked and both devices are in the same subnet. I'm going to reboot the whole system and see if that helps. I've also deleted all music from Windows Media Player and reinstalling. Had a power surge this morning which made my computer skip a beat but i checked and none of the settings changed. When i set it up 8 months ago i had hassles with the internet radio but none with the media playing from PC, now it's the other way round, internet radio is fine.


You could try using a different Media Server.

I installed Jamcast from http://sdstechnologies.com/ and it works fine on my RX-V3900 for playing stored music. I find it easier to use than Windows Media Player. It also has a Virtual Soundcard feature which lets it play anything through your Receiver that is playing on your PC's speakers...for example, Spotify streaming, etc.

You can have it installed at the same time as WMP and it didn't cause any conflicts for me.


I set up media sharing on my wife's computer which is connected to the same network hub as mine and my Z7 connected to her PC without problems.

Her PC has same firewall set up as mine so obviously the problem is with my PC but i have now idea what to check or look for.


I'm convinced it must be some setting on my computer. Any of you clever computer boffins out there with some advice please......


I'm thinking there are 2 possibilities...

1) There's a problem with the configuration of your network.

2) There's a problem with the configuration of your media sharing.

Which Operating System does your PC use?

Can you ping the Receiver from your PC (assuming you know what that means!)


Just thinking...have you changed anything recently? Moved any files?

My RX-V3900 can only look a few folders deep for files...if my music is in c:/music/CD/Rock it will find it, but if it is in c:/user/music/CD/Rock/70s/Santana for example, it won't. If you have restructured your file system it may be too deep. You should still be able to browse the file structure from your receiver although you won't see any song titles, so maybe not that.

Have you changed any formats? For example, my Receiver can see mp3 and WMA, but can't see FLAC. That may give you a similar issue. I use Jamcast to convert on the fly, which means I can play pretty much anything now.


Do you mean the network set up on my PC? I have it set up the same on my wifes PC and not having any hassles there, network sharing works fine between my PC and the wife's so i assumed that network configured properly, where can i check on my PC that it is configured properly? I also have a media player connected to my network and that works fine with my PC.

I did ping the amp when i tried the "trouble shooting" guide but not sure if i did it correctly. Explain please?

If i type my amp's IP address into my PC browser i manage to control the amp as per usual.



Just thinking...have you changed anything recently? Moved any files?

My RX-V3900 can only look a few folders deep for files...if my music is in c:/music/CD/Rock it will find it, but if it is in c:/user/music/CD/Rock/70s/Santana for example, it won't. If you have restructured your file system it may be too deep. You should still be able to browse the file structure from your receiver although you won't see any song titles, so maybe not that.

Have you changed any formats? For example, my Receiver can see mp3 and WMA, but can't see FLAC. That may give you a similar issue. I use Jamcast to convert on the fly, which means I can play pretty much anything now.

nope, no changes. music in same folder as before, only added some more music recently.


The fact you can browse to it using the IP address suggests the underlying networking is fine.

To ping, go to start, type "cmd" in the search box, hit return...brings up a black box with a Command Prompot. Type ping x.x.x.x using the Receiver's IP address. It should give you four positive results pretty quickly. If there is a problem it will time out or take a relatively long time (100s of milliseconds) I don't think this will be a problem if you can browse to it. If your Amp is also able to access internet radio then there is nothing wrong with it's network interface. Sounds like a Windows Media Sharing problem or WM Player itself.

I always found WMP media sharing a bit of a pain...Jamcast is better!

Go to Start, Network, is your amp there? If it is, double click...that should bring up a WMP sharing dialogue box...is this set the same as your wife's PC? Check the settings and make sure music and pics (and video if you want) can be shared.


did the ping test and got the 4 quick positive responses.

I clicked start and can see "network places", is this the same as "network" you talking about? i clicked on it and only my wifes PC came up. Our PC share certain folders.

I tried the same on my wifes PC and my PC shared folder came up after clicking "network places"

I have enabled media sharing on WMP.


Which Operating System are you running? I'm using Vista. XP should work fine, as it has been for you already, but the menus may be different