YAMAHA A-S1000 / 2000


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi All

As any one got or listened to any of the amps, as I was in my local HiFi store and came across a A-S1000 and A-S2000 amp and totally fell in love with to look. So I have booked a listen on saturday afternoon would also like to listen to the Soavo-1 speakers. I just may have to wait a little longer before I buy a new HiFi.





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Would be interested to know how you get on with them as I'm interested myself in the longer term. Next planned upgrade after a new cartridge is to add the new Cambridge Azur power amp, but if the Yammys are really good...

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Yes, we've had the amp and player in, so they'll be getting a WHF test outing as well as Andrew's Gramo review.

Haven't heard them yet - have heard the Soavo speakers, though: they got three-stars when we tested them, as we felt you could buy a lot better all-round performance for the money

the record spot

How would they have rated if the VFM factor was removed Clare, I mean on pure sound quality alone?

This is one thing in the reviews I find is all too often inadequately covered; it would be good if this rating minus the VFM consideration was identified in some way, so you still have an overall traditional WHF review score, but there s a nod in the direction of the product's score on sound quality alone? This happens in the group tests at the end of the review section, but not for every item reviewed (for which this would be appropriate).

Equally, I appreciate where this leaves you in terms of how you do something something similar for TVs (picture score), etc.


I just heard these and WOW. That's what I call a cd player. The transport slides out virtually silently, and closes with such an impressive dull thud. I heard them on a pair of mezzos so I can't talk too much about neutrality because of the unfamiliar speakers. But it sounded really keen. Better than my old Nait to be sure. PLus the amp weighs in at about 50 lbs! Huge caps and transformer, lovely kit. I might be in love.

In canada these are running 1200 and 1100 CAD, so 2300 for the duo. So for VFM... on this side of the pond I'm tempted to say they outdo MF and Naim. Beat the pants off the NAD decks I've heard too, the dual wolfson CA's might be competition for the deck, but the amp sounded clearly better than the equivalent CA. Imo.


Would you describe the sound as warm and smooth? I'm desperately looking for an amp that isn't bright but I'm struggling.


Smooth more than warm. It's not as warm as a nad but I found it a more effortless, Grateful dead came through the cdp much better than my nad. But that's a 500 dollar nad to an 1100 yam.

If you want real warm then I think you need to take the plunge I did and get in with the Tube Voodoo.


When I had a demo of the A-S1000 I was very very impressed with the sound from Dream Theater's Constant Motion plus other hard rock bands even Nightwish's Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan. I would have bought mine at the end of October but Due to seeing a white Gibson Explorer I will now be getting the A-S1000 for christmas with a pair of B&W 603 speakers.



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Apr 9, 2008
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igglebert:Would you describe the sound as warm and smooth? I'm desperately looking for an amp that isn't bright but I'm struggling.

Why not just pick up the matching MF X-T100? It's tubed and definitely not bright....


Because I've heard it's really polite and I can't audition one. Plus my budget is more like £1.5k and I want to get the best I can.


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Jan 18, 2008
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chebby:I read the review of the A-S1000 and CD-S1000 this week (in another magazine who's name escapes me) and the reviewer seemed to prefer the set-up to the more expensive A-S2000/CD-S2000 components.

I seem to remember another publication preferring the cheaper components having reviewed both ...


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