xbox 360 dvd problems


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've noticed that thee last few times i've tried using the xbox360 to play dvd's (when the dvd player isn't playing along) there are white dots at the top left of the screen, and the picture is off centre with the left hand edge missing.

Does anyone else have this? I think it started 2 updates ago. so not the one with the new manu system. but the one which allows the playing of mp4/mpeg files from hdd.

Has anyone else had this problem? It's not seeming to affect games.

A quick google seems to tell me it's not good news. Have a look but it looks like you may need to send it back to be fixed, is it in warranty?
sadly not, it's a couple of years old.

did you just google xbox dvd problems? i'm finding some other ones in my search but cant see similar to mine. I might just be being slow though.

xbox360 have a 3 year warranty when it comes to the 3 red light problem, if you cant find a fix to your issue i suggest u try getting the 3 red lights and then sending it back to microsoft.
Update - Turns out this isn't a 360 problem. It appears to be a problem with my projector.

When the projector receives a standard def uk dvd from my blu ray the same thing happens. i think it is to do with the 50hz refresh rate but don't know why since the US discs i have work fine.


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