Xbox 360 review error


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Aug 10, 2019
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Just had the new issue plop through the letter box, but I'm afraid to say I've spotted a bit of an error.

In your review of the Xbox 360 Slim you suggest that it has 'no 3D abilities'. Yet as a man who routinely spends far, far too long playing silly games on his beloved Xbox, I feel the need to point out that the console can do 3D. Call of Duty: Black Ops and the Avatar game, for instance, are both playable in stereoscopic 3D.

Doubtless you'll try to worm your way out of this by arguing that the PS3 is potentially more effective as a 3D machine as it should be able to output 3D at a higher resolution, but no such qualifications were written in the review. It just said 'no 3D abilities'. And that's just not right!

Bah humbug and all that.

Love your work otherwise, of course...


Can't speak to the review in the latest issue as I don't have it in front me, but I do know that as published it was an abridged version of an original, longer review from the Ultimate Guide to New Technology 2011, p138.

The original copy reads: "No 3D movie ability (as yet) unlike the PlayStation3".

Now as I said, I don't have the shorter version that you've seen in front of me, but I'd imagine all that has happened is that the crucial word 'movie' has been cut from the copy by mistake.

If that's the case, our apologies, but please be assured that the review team do understand the console's 3D gaming support.


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