big thank you to all of you in the last few months i have aked various questions but know i have a av set up and am trying to put together a hi fi set up, I was listen to my br5's through my denon1909 and you said a stereo amp would greatly improve the sound. i spent £1600 last year on kit so im alittle short till after xmas but my friend had an old rotel amp rx 202 mii (late 70's i think) and gave me a loan for a few months the sound is great i have to turn the volume to about 8 o'clock and its at it. I now feel the vocels in the middle of the two speakers more and the various sounds drums gutiers ect almost feel like surround sound when i close my eyes. I think denon was good but now i know what you all mean by av amps play it safe.I will try to buy some br2's for my front av set up so my br1's can move back as rears(as i have had to get my old tdls out for rears). I am now going to save a couple of hundred pound and scan ebay for a good old stereo amp and get some good cable, after xmas when people are short of cash lol.
my top tracks that have improved are
neil young- southern man,
artic monkeys- 505
vampire weekend -m79
katie melua-spiders web
bob marley-jamming
timberland - i am (not sure if thats the right name its my mrs's taste but bass was unreal so punchy.
any old stereo amps(80's to early 90's) to look out for i feel i will get more for my money than buying new.
i wanted new speakers and i felt with hd coming in i wanted a new amp hense why i have not shopped on ebay before but i cant see anything wrong with second hand.Does anyone disagree with second hand and what would the advantage be being new.
many thanks for any help given simon
my top tracks that have improved are
neil young- southern man,
artic monkeys- 505
vampire weekend -m79
katie melua-spiders web
bob marley-jamming
timberland - i am (not sure if thats the right name its my mrs's taste but bass was unreal so punchy.
any old stereo amps(80's to early 90's) to look out for i feel i will get more for my money than buying new.
i wanted new speakers and i felt with hd coming in i wanted a new amp hense why i have not shopped on ebay before but i cant see anything wrong with second hand.Does anyone disagree with second hand and what would the advantage be being new.
many thanks for any help given simon