Would I benefit from a change?


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2016
Hi. Always been happy with my set up. Cambridge Audio Azur 651A amp with the 651C CD player, Transcriptors turntable and Bowers and Wilkins XT4 speakers. Having now moved into a block of flats I am unable to let my speakers `rip´ as it were. Even though I love them, would I benefit by changing to the KEF LS150 meta?? Many thanks.
Hi. Always been happy with my set up. Cambridge Audio Azur 651A amp with the 651C CD player, Transcriptors turntable and Bowers and Wilkins XT4 speakers. Having now moved into a block of flats I am unable to let my speakers `rip´ as it were. Even though I love them, would I benefit by changing to the KEF LS150 meta?? Many thanks.

Hi! if you live/going to move into a block of flats and the walls are paper thin a speaker will create problems no matter what it is, stand mount, slim style floorstander it won't matter a jot.

If what you're asking are their speakers that play better lower volumes, then yes there are, and the meta's wouldn't be my first pick for that.

You want a speaker with a DB rating of around 89-95DB yes these can go loud with very little power but they also sound fuller far quicker at lower volumes. But because they have a high DB rating they have the side effect of less bass that the compromise but a plus in your case.

BUT it's not a magic pill! they will still be audible through walls and people below may still hear bass depending on how the sound travels through the building.

If it's really bad perhaps consider a headphone setup.
Hi. Always been happy with my set up. Cambridge Audio Azur 651A amp with the 651C CD player, Transcriptors turntable and Bowers and Wilkins XT4 speakers. Having now moved into a block of flats I am unable to let my speakers `rip´ as it were. Even though I love them, would I benefit by changing to the KEF LS150 meta?? Many thanks.
Don't think so, especially with that amplification. Maybe demo a pair of Dali Oberon 5.
Hi. Always been happy with my set up. Cambridge Audio Azur 651A amp with the 651C CD player, Transcriptors turntable and Bowers and Wilkins XT4 speakers. Having now moved into a block of flats I am unable to let my speakers `rip´ as it were.
You could try turning the bass down on the amp. Ultimately the bass is going to travel and upset the neighbours. Only real answer is headphones.
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Wow, those replies came quick!! Although in a block, pretty thick walls (this is Finland!!) garages below and a a half deaf lady upstairs, and one room between my living room and the neighbour, no one on the other side. I have Sennheiser HD660S headphones as well. So I can listen reasonably loud. What`s wrong with the amplification??? Looked at the Dalis but I would prefer smaller. Would the Kefs really be bad with this set up? Look great and top reviews. Thanks again.
Wow, those replies came quick!! Although in a block, pretty thick walls (this is Finland!!) garages below and a a half deaf lady upstairs, and one room between my living room and the neighbour, no one on the other side. I have Sennheiser HD660S headphones as well. So I can listen reasonably loud. What`s wrong with the amplification??? Looked at the Dalis but I would prefer smaller. Would the Kefs really be bad with this set up? Look great and top reviews. Thanks again.
The Azur series is entry level amplification, and the LS50 are pretty average if not powered properly. I'd look at something like a Naim Nait 5si as a bare minimum, but an XS3 or used Supernait 2 would be more appropriate. I suggested the Dali Oberon 5 because, since you already have floorstanders, I thought you could accommodate them, and they're really not that big. If you're keen on standmounts, I'd look at stuff like Focal Aria 906, although I'm not sure how they would pair with CA (maybe a used Naim Unitiqute 2 or an Arcam SA20 would be better suited, and both of those have really decent integrated DACs which would benefit your CD player if it has digital outputs). Or, if you can give them some space behind them, Quad S2 speakers, which sound great.
Thanks so much. Food for thought. Guess for a while at least, I`ll stick with the B&W`s. A bit disappointed as I was really into the Metas!! But thanks for your help.
Is this - I want to so please tell me I should have a change to Meta's? Or I am worried about noise carry to neigbours and bothering others?

If you like the speakers and it's the latter, isolate them, which will hugely reduce bass carry.

I have a suspended floor and very thin party walls. I've gone through a long and arduous process of trying various methods of speaker isolation. By far the best result has been from IsoAcoustic Gaia's which completely reduce bass reverb to floor and party wall (plus also improve speaker sound). These are by no means cheap though.

If I'm barking up the wrong tree, no worries. But caution if you're trying new speaks without hearing or trying them first. This can go very wrong.
Thanks again. No, just reviews and the looks. Not worried about the neighbours as I explained before. I can listen at a decent level. No possibility of listening first. MInd you, I didn`t listen to my B&W`s, but was/am very happy. Just I can`t listen at the levels that I could in my previous house.


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