Question Worth Upgrading Networked Micro System to Stand-Alone Amp?


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2022
Hi All
First post here...
I rediscovered vinyl approximately 2 years ago.
I added an Audio Technica LP3 to my Onkyo CRN-755 Networked Micro System and a Rega Fono Mini A2D Preamp.
I have Q Acoustics 3010 speakers, although I do most of my listening through headphones (currently Audio Technica M50Xs).

The Onkyo is a great little system, but I've been toying with getting a "better" stand-alone amp for a while.
I don't really know where to start or even if it's worthwhile. I mean...will it make a massive difference and particularly as my budget is very limited (sub £200). I am aware I need to be looking at used kit for this price.

I'm not bothered about the unit being networked, as I barely use this capability with my existing set-up.
An Optical Input would be nice, but isn't essential.

The Marantz PM6005 has caught my eye, as this has great reviews and would pretty much replace my Micro System.

My other option is to add an amp purely for listening to vinyl through my headphones and leave the Onkyo connected to the speakers, for CDs / streaming and the TV.

Bit of a broad query, but any advice / comments welcome.
The Marantz is excellent for the money and I would be surprised if you did not notice an improvement (assuming it is to your taste).
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Marantz amps are well liked for good reasons.
I had a PM66KI, you certainly wouldn't be disappointed if you could find a decent one of those, for an acceptable price.
Yes...I've read very good things about that particular amp and especially the SE version, although I can't get my head around not having any tone controls.
Perhaps I'm missing something??
Yes...I've read very good things about that particular amp and especially the SE version, although I can't get my head around not having any tone controls.
Perhaps I'm missing something??
Many manufacturers spend a great deal of time and money getting their amps to sound just as they would like and deem tone controls unnecessary.
At least it has a Balance control.... 🙂
Many manufacturers spend a great deal of time and money getting their amps to sound just as they would like and deem tone controls unnecessary.
At least it has a Balance control.... 🙂
Unless you're going (way) high-end, I don't get it.
Paying more for less!
Yes...I've read very good things about that particular amp and especially the SE version, although I can't get my head around not having any tone controls.
Perhaps I'm missing something??
The SE (Special Edition) versions are the starting point from which KI (Ken Ishiwata) added improved components.
In the PM66KI at least, that includes a couple in the phono preamp - which probably explains how good it is.
As for tone controls - they have bypass switches for a reason, but sometimes that switch itself causes audible problems.
No tone controls, no potential problems.
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The SE (Special Edition) versions are the starting point from which KI (Ken Ishiwata) added improved components.
In the PM66KI at least, that includes a couple in the phono preamp - which probably explains how good it is.
As for tone controls - they have bypass switches for a reason, but sometimes that switch itself causes audible problems.
No tone controls, no potential problems.
Ah....I see. So a good thing, as long as I'm happy with the sound?
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The SE (Special Edition) versions are the starting point from which KI (Ken Ishiwata) added improved components.
In the PM66KI at least, that includes a couple in the phono preamp - which probably explains how good it is.
As for tone controls - they have bypass switches for a reason, but sometimes that switch itself causes audible problems.
No tone controls, no potential problems.
Precisely, if you need tone controls you have the wrong speakers..... Ducks for cover to avoid incoming flac 🙂
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speaker placement or a slight hearing loss in one ear (which I currently have) may require the use of a balance control but if any of my amps had tone controls, and many did not, they would stay in the disabled position.
As a non-audiophile sort, that seems pretty alien to me.
That's not to say this old dog can't be taught the odd new trick, however!
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Denon like Marantz make great budget amplifiers. I think they are a little punchier than Marantz, the latter being a little more laid back sounding. If you can stretch your budget I have seen the pma 800ne for under £300 on ebay. But I think the older pma 720 would also be pretty good.
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Denon like Marantz make great budget amplifiers. I think they are a little punchier than Marantz, the latter being a little more laid back sounding. If you can stretch your budget I have seen the pma 800ne for under £300 on ebay. But I think the older pma 720 would also be pretty good.
It's funny you say that as I had been looking at the PMA 600AE. Not only does it have great reviews, the ability to switch off the digital circuitry, for analogue listening, is a really appeaing - it's predominantly what I will use the amp for, after all.
I used to have a Denon UD M50 many moons ago and I really liked how it sounded. It's just the price of the 600AE that puts me off.
I'm not in a massive rush, so I think I'll hold fire and wait for a more favourable used price for either the Marantz or the Denon. That should also give me time to find a way of comparing the sound of the two brands side by side, to see which I prefer.
Thanks for your input. 👍
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I have the Denon pma 800ne and with an ifi Zen blue and my speakers, admittedly at £700 rrp, the sound is astonishingly good. Recently I heard an Arcam SA20 with some Dali Rubicon 2. I was vaguely considering this amp as I have seen it go pretty low as a used buy. I preferred the sound of what I've got. Any amp upgrade for me would have to be the pma 1600ne but this is over £1k even having been superceeded by the 1700ne. Tbh, it's rare that the 800ne sounds short of power. I drive it to peaks of 85db and it sounds comfortable.


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