Worth changing the amp???


New member
Jul 17, 2007
Hi peeps,

In two days I'll be off to my local Richer Sound store to buy myself CO 650A to go with the CO 650BD I already bought.

The question being........ I'm currently using my Sony DA3500ES set to SA-CD/CD, analogue direct and the signal is being sent from the 650BD, through CA DacMagic onto the reciever and then to a pair of KEF IQ5SE.

What I'm getting at is.......will spending £350 on a 650A give better over all sound than my current setup???
Hi atkins 4725

Sorry i cant answer your question but i hope you can answer one for me?Whats your opinion of the ca650bd?i think its the next bit of kit for me,would you reconmend it to others?have you tried it without it going through the DacMagic,hows it sound if so?

Sorry for all the questions,hope someone can answer yours.

Many thanks
I don't think a budget stereo amp is going to give you enough of an improvement over your Sony receiver. I'd hold off until you can afford to move up to the £500-£700 mark.


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