Worth Changing my NAD C370 Amplifier


New member
Oct 6, 2008
Ive seen some deals about recently for this new Marantz CD6004 award winning amplifier, as ive had the NAD for several years now was wandering would the Marantz be an upgrade over the NAD in terms of sound quality ?
I don't think so - there's not been a sea-change in amplifiers since the 370 was out, plus it's got a lot of fans out there. I doubt you'd get a big improvement, you might get a different presenation, but I don't see it being a better one. Try one out though if only to discount it later on.
Why not a Rega Brio R?

When lauching newer models, most times audio brands just change a product cosmeticaly, or even worse, add a "SE" ou "MK", but this not the case of the new Rega Brio. The new model has been entirely redesigned and is a real step up over its predecessor.

Rega Brio R is a real upgrade over your NAD C370 for sure.
What speakers do you have? That NAD is still a nice and powerful amp. I doubt the Marantz would be an upgrade.

If you don't really like the sound of the NAD, then the Marantz would be something "different".
i would just reiterate what has been largely covered - the Marantz may offer you a different perspective but not an upgrade as such. this may therefore be better to your ears or indeed may also be a whole lot worse if you are used to and like the NAD presentation.

i used to have a full NAD set up and when i demo'd my way to a new amplifier when my NAD failed i tried Marantz and didnt really take to it - however i did end up finding Arcam which i like hugely

in the end if you want a change then take your system to dealer who can swap in the marantz or maybe get a home demo and decide for yourself - but the NAD is a great amplifier and i believe punches a bit higher than its cost
drenco said:
Ive seen some deals about recently for this new Marantz CD6004 award winning amplifier, as ive had the NAD for several years now was wandering would the Marantz be an upgrade over the NAD in terms of sound quality ?

Hi drenco

No 🙂

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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