Woohoo just ordered my Pioneer 5090!


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Dec 24, 2008
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After month of umming and ahhing, have finally saved enough and convinced er indoors that we need a Pinoeer 5090, so have just put a deposit down on one. Should be with us next week (excited, me, not at all!).

I have a question to all the Pioneer owners out there. What settings do you use, and more pertinently (as I am quite happy to read the manual and play with the settings for as long as it takes) do you have all inputs, sky, blu ray etc on the same settings (ie being fed through the AV amp to one input on the screen) or do you use different inputs with different settings for different sources?

Not sure that makes sense, but it seems to me that sky should be fed into the box at 576i, to allow the screen to deinterlace and scale, but those settings surely wouldnt then suit a 1080p 24 frames a second blu ray feed?

Or am I overcomplicating things?


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Apr 22, 2008
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If you intend to use your AV amp for sound at all times, I would feed all sources through it and then send one HDMI signal to the TV. The Pioneer will upscale these sources. You COULD use different inputs, of course, and achieve a marginally better picture, but I don't think it's worth it, personally. You may find it's worthwhile making a slight adjustment for Blu-rays.

If you do a Google search, you will find other forums where there is detailed advice on achieving the very best picture on your new Kuro. In fact, you will get close to having a calibrated screen. Good luck - I'm sure you will be delighted with your new purchase.


You are going to have a great winterval with that bad boy!


If you have Sky HD then you will have to go optical for sound and I would recomend then HDMI straight to screen and then set PQ.

Most say set Sky to 1080i but see what you think is best.

As for BluRay then HDMI to amp then HDMI to screen and then set PQ.

Very nice screen by the way


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2008
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iv had my 600A about a week and cant leave it alone, gaming awsome cant wait for c,o,d,2 out monday nite yummy. watched dark city yesterday brillient. enjoy your set every deep black minute of it .


If you can afford it, get a ISF professional to come and calibrate your tv for you. It will need running in for about 200 hours before they arrive. The picture out of the box is pretty damm good. Everyone raved about pure mode but I found that too pale and washed out for me. You'll find it has more settings than a nasa space capsule but you will find lots of recommended picture settings on other forums.

I have my 600A set-up very simply and the same way a lot of people do and it works really well (for me anyway).

Blu-ray connected to amp via hdmi

Sky Box connected to amp via hdmi & digital optical cable (to enable Dolby Digital audio)

Amp connected to media receiver (input 4) via HDMI.

As I also have a pioneer amp the amp remote controls it all when I select TV, it changes the picture and audio to the TV and when I select BD it changes the picture and audio to blu-ray.

I have sky picture settings at Auto. So when watching an HD sky program it outputs at 1080i, when watching an SD sky program it outputs at 576. Some people have their sky box to output at 1080i, but personally I find the SD pics look much better at 576.

Anyway , have fun and enjoy.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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barnsleydave: I have sky picture settings at Auto. So when watching an HD sky program it outputs at 1080i, when watching an SD sky program it outputs at 576. Some people have their sky box to output at 1080i, but personally I find the SD pics look much better at 576.

Yeah I'd second that, the screen will do a much better job of upscaling SD channels than the Sky box will, but you certainly don't want to set the Sky box to 576i, you'll lose the benefit of the HD channels if you do that.


barnsleydave: If you can afford it, get a ISF professional to come and calibrate your tv for you.

HELLO DAAAVE!!! Who did you use to calibrate your Kuro?

I used Gordon Convegent (google him). Scottish but don't hold that against him.

Very knowlegeable chap and very interesting to talk to. He was doing "special offers" when I got mine done. Not sure what his current price is now.

He spent about half a day calibrating the TV.


Regards the ISF calibration you have to run it in for 200rs first, ten give tem a call


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