wilson benesch arc and cyrus???


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Hi guys,, I posted a few days ago regarding some focal electra 1007be and thought they sounded a little bright, but was keen to audition them again as already have focals(706) and m happy with them but want to upgrade so a second audition was in the books... However, i was told to also consider the wilson benesch arc...roughly the same price as they come with there stands... So how do they perform with cyrus gear?? regards john
I couldnt find a brand that matches Proac`s performance considering money vs performance..Its musicality vs detail is also very balanced.. Proacs are speakers to KEEP
Def audition if you can. But....you thought Focal was bright, these are probably more forward. Hard work is probably a better description. Some love them, many hate them.


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