Will a DAC make a difference?


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
At the moment I'm using an Apple airport express connected directly to my amplifier to stream mainly lossless or high bit-rate mp3's from my Macbook.

I've read a lot on these forum's about the use of various DAC's, but i'm not sure if it would really make a difference to the sound, I'm very happy with what i have now.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to how much difference there would be if i had a DAC connected to the optical out of the airport express then into my amp?

Thanks in advance
Definitely. It essentially upgrades your source. It can depend on the quality of the digital out, but you will definitely hear improvement. And of course, the better the DAC, the more the improvement (following the same law of diminishing returns as any source of course).

I was also quite amazed recently how much improvement can be had from MP3s... I am in the process of upgrading from a Beresford DAC (on the squeezebox, the Beresford will get used for computer purposes, where it is excellent), but anyway, I have some ~175 VBR MP3s and I was blown away by the quality increase.
It also boosts the performance of internet radio, which is mostly at only 128 Kbps...
I bought the Benchmark DAC-1 USB, which plugs into the USB port on a PC/Mac and bypasses most of the codecs. I play my Lossless files through it. It was a jaw-dropping change from my Rega Apollo. The soundstage is better and there is a phenomenal amount of detail. Well worth the money.
Massive difference for me from going from my Airport Express headphone output, upgrading to a DAC.

I made a video on YouTube:
Thanks for the advice guys.

So Apart from the Beresford DAC are there any others that I should have a look at? Something around the same price range, the beresford is around £130 from what I've seen. I also want something that will plug in near my amp rather than directly via USB into my laptop, as it tends to move around with me!

Thanks again!
Thanks for the advice guys.

So Apart from the Beresford DAC are there any others that I should have a look at? Something around the same price range, the beresford is around £130 from what I've seen. I also want something that will plug in near my amp rather than directly via USB into my laptop, as it tends to move around with me!

Thanks again!

There arn't many around that price without importing from the far east. The Beresford isnt USB by the way. For that price you'll get a good quality digital optical or coax thrown in... check the website.

You could look into the names Benchmark, Stello, Aqvox, Cyrus, Lavry and many more...
including one I have just ordered, the Harmony DA9.
Or a Cambridge Audio 740C or 840C (both can also be used as DACs)

Of course all the above are quite more expensive.

Do some googling...😉
Re- the Cambridge Audio 740c - Does anyone know what sort of quality this would be compared to a straight DAC like the Beresford or Harmony as this is quite a reasonable price in Oz.
"Re- the Cambridge Audio 740c - Does anyone know what sort of quality this would be compared to a straight DAC like the Beresford or Harmony as this is quite a reasonable price in Oz."

I did a little bit of searching on the web...1500 aus dollars (=728 british pound or 1434 us dollar) is to my mind a little steep for a CA 740c.

Yes, a dac will make a major difference, but with these prices you'd be better of buying something from a manufacturer closer to home.
Remember, most hifi products today are actually made in the far east, so you don't need to worry about differences in quality. The beresford dac is actually made in South Korea. Stello dacs are also made in Korea and from what I've heard, very good. You can order them from their factory and get a better dac for your money.

The stello DA 100 dac is half the price of the ca 740c- look at this website for more info:
http://www.aprilmusic.com/main/sub02_02_02.html (the website is currently in an update process- you could also order from Aus mainland, but I suspect that would be more expensive. Could be wrong though. The distributor is on this page: http://www.aprilmusic.com/main/sub05_02.html)

Happy hunting!
Thanks for the feedback. 740c can be had for A$1200 in Melbourne at a couple of places and 90% of the hifi gear sold here comes from somewhere else but having a local retailer does make it simpler if you do run into problems - does that change your argument. Also I dont have a CDP apart from the one in my iMac but not sure how essential it is given what I am trying to achieve?
glockers:Thanks for the feedback. 740c can be had for A$1200 in Melbourne at a couple of places and 90% of the hifi gear sold here comes from somewhere else but having a local retailer does make it simpler if you do run into problems - does that change your argument. Also I dont have a CDP apart from the one in my iMac but not sure how essential it is given what I am trying to achieve?

Given your setup, I wouldn't bother with the 740. If I were you I would take a punt on one of the low priced DACs that can be had on Ebay. The Beresford I can personally recommend, but you have the Zero DAC, and the Shek too (and others) to choose from. Maybe do some websearching for reviews on each 😉
glockers wrote the following post at Sun, Jun 29 2008 4:33 AM:
" Thanks for the feedback. 740c can be had for A$1200 in Melbourne at a couple of places and 90% of the hifi gear sold here comes from somewhere else but having a local retailer does make it simpler if you do run into problems - does that change your argument. Also I dont have a CDP apart from the one in my iMac but not sure how essential it is given what I am trying to achieve?"

I wouldn't bother about a cd-player, the one in your mac is fine. For a great improvement in sound quality a Dac is all you need. As with different hifi brands, some are just better than others. Set your budget in accordance with the rest of your gear -and your future plans.
Beresford is a good low budget option (100-130) pounds=270 aus dollar. Just make sure to include the cost of shipping to the price of the beresford dac.
Stello Da100 can be bought locally in Australia. It can also be factory ordered for around 700 us dollar=728 australian dollar.
Check for your local price the distributors here:http://www.aprilmusic.com/main/sub05_02.html.
There should be one in Brisbane and one in Melbourne.
Prices are really quite hot at the moment cos it's end of the tax year. Have been offered the 740c at $990 (about GBP475). ......it's never easy to decide is it?
So I've ordered the Beresford DAC after reading many favourablt forum posts, and Stanley was very helpful once I contacted him also. I'll post once i've had a chance to test it out and let you know what I think. Does anyone have any comments as to whether or not the DAC has a "run in" time specifically?
So I've ordered the Beresford DAC after reading many favourablt forum posts, and Stanley was very helpful once I contacted him also. I'll post once i've had a chance to test it out and let you know what I think. Does anyone have any comments as to whether or not the DAC has a "run in" time specifically?

Some people say so... I think its more that your ears get used to it, but I ran mine in anyway.
Just stick it on all the time, with your amp off, and you'll be 'run in' in a day or so anyway.
So I missed the delivery on Saturday morning, the beresford DAC i ordered is waiting for me in the post office. I'll be connecting it from my airport express with the TC3618 optical cable, and to my rotel RA05 with QED QUNEX 2 cables. I'll post soon as to how I get on!
So I've had the Beresford DAC connected up to my system for a few days now, and I am quite impressed. I haven't done blind tests, but with my favourite songs that I listen to often and know well, there is definitely a change for the better. I find that the different parts in a song are more defined, and the bass especially is improved.

I would be interested to hear what others have to say about this, as I know from reading the forums there are others thinking of adding a DAC to the airport express (JohnDuncan!).

Like I say, I have not done blind tests, but I'm happy with what I hear as an improvement, so I guess thats what matters!

Thanks again to those who answered my questions earlier in this thread!
Well I'm kind of hoping that the difference between the standard AE and a DAC'd one would be night and day - it certainly is between my AE and my CD player - otherwise I'm not going to bother. Let us know if you do dome comparisons.......
So I've had the Beresford DAC connected up to my system for a few days now, and I am quite impressed. I haven't done blind tests, but with my favourite songs that I listen to often and know well, there is definitely a change for the better. I find that the different parts in a song are more defined, and the bass especially is improved.

I would be interested to hear what others have to say about this, as I know from reading the forums there are others thinking of adding a DAC to the airport express (JohnDuncan!).

Like I say, I have not done blind tests, but I'm happy with what I hear as an improvement, so I guess thats what matters!

Thanks again to those who answered my questions earlier in this thread!

Not seen or heard an Airport Express, but assuming it has digital, AND analogue outputs like the Squeezebox, and operating on similar budget... If so, simply wire both up and flick from one to the other. In the case of the squeezebox, it makes an instant, and pretty obvious sound change, not only in clarity, and detail, but the sound suddenly becomes spread out a good metre or 2 wider in front of you(in my case).
Very ofen to notice differences, repeated and lengthy listening is needed, in this case, I could tell with the press of a source switch.
Not quite as easy as that Fr0g...the audio output jack is a combined 3.5mm stereo and mini-toslink optical, so you would have to swap leads to make the change.

Still worth doing though. I've ordered a Beresford myself as my PC has an optical out, so am waiting to see what difference it makes...


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