Oldboy, i have finally got round to having a try of the avshd709 last night, only quickly as it was late, so i will have another go.
couple of things popped up, first off, the basic settings no.1 - black clipping, i got this to 16 as suggested then moved onto no.2 - apl clipping, i got this to the 16 as suggested but i had a major difference in the tv brightness setting ie for no.1 the tv brightness was 6 and for no.2 the tv brightness was 22! the instructions say go with apl clipping if this happens which i have, what do youthink have you had this issue?
regarding the white clipping, whats the idea, am i supposed to raise the constrast until i cant see lines after 244 flash? i didnt quite understand the instructions there.
hope you can help, if not no worries