Why are soundtracks so expensive?


Nov 4, 2008
I love a lot of music from films. However I do object to paying £15 for a soundtrack when cds of the era go for £5. Anyone got any opinions on this? My own personal theory is that the big distribution companies know these will only be bought by major fans/collectors so they keep the prices artificially high. It may be a theory but it's mines so I hold a special affection for it lol.
Maybe due to multiple royalties, whereas an album by a single artist is only the one lot of royalties - and the film companies probably have a slice of it too......

That's my guess anyway.
For the cheap albums, there's probably some sort of deal reducing the royalties, as well as the manufactorer's and dealer's profits on each disc, due to supposed higher sales volume. The soundtrack albums don't sell that much (by far), so anyone involved (from composer to retailer) needs to earn more on each disc.

That the potential buyers might be more eager and thus willing to pay more, might come into it as well. But it's not the main reason.
Have you considered eBay for soundtracks? I picked up quite a few recently at very good prices new - as they sell in lower quantities with lower demand overall, you can generally pick up a bargain if you look carefully.
What is strange is that the DVD of the Movie is often 1/2 the price of the CD Soundtrack. And you get pictures too.
soundtrack music is driven by success of film. Chart music is all about position, so once the best has been achieved, the price then goes up before its on sale to drive the last remaining sales potential. With soundtracks, volume is so low there is little gain unless it is popular as price rely drives motivation for buying these so long after film.
If by soundtrack you mean the Original score composed for the film then there is a big difference. Orchestra royalties are very expensive (specially if the orchestra is from US). Orchestra fees have to be paid again as the original fees were only for the movie itself
On the other side, I can find almost all the recent soundtracks on Amazon for 7-8 GBP which is not really expensive
Some lables specialized in soundtracks (Intrada, FSM, Lalaland etc) manage to get the rights (from the film studios) to issue some soundtracks in limited quantities (1000, 1200, 1500).It is quite expensive for them so prices start at $20 in order for them to not loose money
I am a soundtrack freak myself (6000+ on CD and counting) 🙂

If by soundtracks you mean a complilation of songs then I have no idea why they are so expensive 🙂 🙂
Tonestar1:I love a lot of music from films. However I do object to paying £15 for a soundtrack when cds of the era go for £5. Anyone got any opinions on this? My own personal theory is that the big distribution companies know these will only be bought by major fans/collectors so they keep the prices artificially high. It may be a theory but it's mines so I hold a special affection for it lol.

Have you tried Play or Amazon (including market place) as their prices are usually £8.95?
I recently bought a ghastly anime series because it was cheaper than importing the CD single of the theme song from Japan


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