Why am I getting billing from Soundcloud?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2019
So while reconciling my Visa statement a couplkd of weeks ago I spotted two identical charges on the 4th of November from something called SoundCloud - which I had never heard of before. When I went to see my online Visa account it showed another pair of charges on the 4th of December as well.

I have never heard of this thing, nor have I signed up or opted into it - and when I went to the website soundcloud.com I of course could not log into it.

Naturally, I have put the bogus charges into dispute with Visa but I did not know if it is somehow tied in with Tidal, to which I have subscribed for 5+ years now. I sent an email to support at Soundcloud (which I finally discovered after scouring the site) but as yet have not gotten a response.

So what is this thing? And why am I getting a double hit each 4th of the month? And most important - how do I kill it off?
....And most important - how do I kill it off?
1) Contact Visa (and check to confirm that there will be evidence of the communication).

2) Draw their attention to the specific debits from your account.

3) Instruct them to ensure that there are no further such payments.

Meantime, you might want check what you've (almost certainly) inadvertently, previously signed up to.
(Although when their payments stop, someone is likely to remind you).
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Yes, thanks - I have done all that. And it's been over a week with no reply from the email I sent to support. So I am not concerned about paying bogus charges, I am wondering if these soundcloudd people are scammers who hacked the Tidal acccounts.
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I use a Linn streamer on my home system, and play through the Tidal app on my iphone to a bluetooth speaker or headphones or whatever...

I was curious, but am none the wiser having looked here. Like @Gray says, you may have signed up to something inadvertently. (I once subscribed to something thinking I was getting a discount, but fortunately the company refunded me)
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