Hi all,
I am considering purchasing a hifi mini stereo system (with a pair of decent speakers) for listening primarily to music that is on my computer (in Ogg Audio and MP3 format primarily). As far as wireless solutions go, I have found:
1/ DLNA: but it tends to be found only more expensive receiver, and I do not know how convenient DLNA really is when it comes to browsing the music library on the small screen of most receivers
2/ Airport Express: Some receivers come with Airplay/Airtunes, but I like that I could pick any receiver and just add an Airport Express to it. This option is attractive because the streaming has a pretty good range (since it uses WiFi) and the Airport Express has a digital output, which means that the DAC of the receiver would convert the music from digital to analog, am I right? The downside is that all what Apple does is proprietary, but I suppose that I could deal with it if this option is really better than the others.
3/ Bluetooth: I have read about the Qed uPlay. I like the fact that bluetooth audio is a proper standard supported by many devices. The range is about 10m which is fine by me. I am wondering how good the sound quality is though, especially considering that my computer is not Bluetooth apt-X capable as far as I know (it is just regular bluetooth). My main question regarding this solution is if there are ways to transfer the music digitally to the receiver, so that its DAC can be used. So far, I have not seen any bluetooth receiver that has an optical/digital output, even on the expensive Chordette ones (Gem, Peach, Maxx). So maybe it is impossible?
Thanks for your advices
I am considering purchasing a hifi mini stereo system (with a pair of decent speakers) for listening primarily to music that is on my computer (in Ogg Audio and MP3 format primarily). As far as wireless solutions go, I have found:
1/ DLNA: but it tends to be found only more expensive receiver, and I do not know how convenient DLNA really is when it comes to browsing the music library on the small screen of most receivers
2/ Airport Express: Some receivers come with Airplay/Airtunes, but I like that I could pick any receiver and just add an Airport Express to it. This option is attractive because the streaming has a pretty good range (since it uses WiFi) and the Airport Express has a digital output, which means that the DAC of the receiver would convert the music from digital to analog, am I right? The downside is that all what Apple does is proprietary, but I suppose that I could deal with it if this option is really better than the others.
3/ Bluetooth: I have read about the Qed uPlay. I like the fact that bluetooth audio is a proper standard supported by many devices. The range is about 10m which is fine by me. I am wondering how good the sound quality is though, especially considering that my computer is not Bluetooth apt-X capable as far as I know (it is just regular bluetooth). My main question regarding this solution is if there are ways to transfer the music digitally to the receiver, so that its DAC can be used. So far, I have not seen any bluetooth receiver that has an optical/digital output, even on the expensive Chordette ones (Gem, Peach, Maxx). So maybe it is impossible?
Thanks for your advices