Which standmounts to demo ?


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
To keep things simple 😂 (as it never is with hifi) I'm looking for a pair of standmounts to fit a small/med room.

My preferences are primarily for a musicality and an unambiguous clean sound with power to always play on the exciting side of the dial (not to be mistaken for overcooked bass etc).
Floorstanders are out of the question they overload the room.

I have different setup and sound preferences for different scenarios but this HIFI is for occasional use usually short listening sessions whilst having a sporadic spare 25 mins or so.

Quoting a short usual "listening time" might in helping describe what type of sound I'm looking for.
(An exciting type sound that may fatigue over time wouldn't be something I'd gear towards on a main system but here it's ideal)

I'm looking for the same "short exciting music fix" we all do from time to time.
Typically the type most get from a pair of decent headphones up loud on their way out somewhere.

I'm budgeting around 250-800 with the obvious wiggle room for the right pair of need be.

The usual suspects are obviously there from QA, Wharfdale, b&m and mission but I've heard none of them.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated and as always I will post what I think after the demos and the obvious choice of speaker afterwards


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