Which speakers for rotel ra12?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I bought recently the rotel amp but I m not totally satisfied. I use a cd marantz 6004 (coaxial )and an old pair of B&W, which i want to chance. As it is difficult in Portugal to see different stuff in the same shop I ask you some advice about those ones:

kef ls50


q acoustic concept 20

Hi Joao

I bought the lower powered Rotel RA11 and have it paired with Monitor Audio RX1 speakers on Atacama 24" stands. For me, the sound is exactly what I am looking for - clear, precise and also as loud as I need (the new Silver series is out now too) without pushing the amp (also have CA 651cd and Project Debut Carbon tt).

But it might not suit everyone.

I would definitely recommend trying to get a decent demo on the speakers you mentioned, even if it means travelling further from home...or better still, have them demo on your kit at your home!

Good luck. 🙂


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