Which speaker should I keep?


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Hello. I got two pair of speakers that I have now switched back and forth several times connected to my vintage pioneer 656 amplifier, It is the Tannoy revolution dc6t se and Jbl studio 290, While the Jbls got 3x times more bass and no port noise but the tannoy sounds just so more atmospheric. Im into plans going to chance the amplifier to Rega elex r for reaching more sound quality and power.

Well I think only you can answer that question.

If you are getting the Rega then try it out with both speakers and make up your own mind. If you have to get rid of one pair before you get the Rega then I would say, and bearing in mind I don't know your room size or a greatmany other relevent factors, keep the Tannoys.
I'd probably lean towards the Tannoys, although I have no experience with either speaker.

I'm not so sure the Rega will be an improvement on the Pioneer either. That is a very fine Pioneer you have there.
I had a A-676, and it was a great amp, especially as I got it from the idiots at Cash Converters for about £30. Anyway, my point is that I wouldn't sell your amp if it's anywhere near the A-676, because there's rarely a day goes by that I don't regret selling it. They are on the large size though aren't they?
Yeah they are quite big and I miss a remote but yes It sound is good 🙂. But it would surprise me if the Rega isn't better, it cost quite much.


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