Which speaker package??


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Aug 10, 2019
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Ok, i've decided i want to upgrade my current Mission speaker package. My decision now is to what?

I quite keen on either the Monitor Audio BR5 package or RS6 package as i like the way both look and they seem to have good reviews.

Does the quality of the Silver package justify the big difference in price between the two?

Any opinions or thoughts (or even alternatives i haven't considered) will be greatly appreciated

Thanks all


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Sep 6, 2007
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Gouldy Boy:


Ok, i've decided i want to upgrade my current Mission speaker package. My decision now is to what?

I quite keen on either the Monitor Audio BR5 package or RS6 package as i like the way both look and they seem to have good reviews.

Does the quality of the Silver package justify the big difference in price between the two?

Any opinions or thoughts (or even alternatives i haven't considered) will be greatly appreciated

Thanks all

You will not be disappointed with the silver package. The front speakers are brilliant in stereo and the sub is amazing - will blow you away!

Lost Angeles

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Apr 24, 2008
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RS6 package is definately better than the BR5s and the RSW12 Sub is awesome.

An alternative is B&W 684s and if you dont want 686 rears try DS3s

Go and have a demo. Sevenoaks will probably stock both


The RS6s does a very good job for both music and movies. ÿI suggest you get them over the BR5s. ÿYou might want to try getting Velodyne subs instead of the M.A. subs though...just a thought. ÿGood luck!


Lost Angeles:

RS6 package is definately better than the BR5s and the RSW12 Sub is awesome.

An alternative is B&W 684s and if you dont want 686 rears try DS3s

Go and have a demo. Sevenoaks will probably stock both

I'd never considered B&W's, didn't really think they'd ever be in my price range to be honest.

How do you think the 684 package rates next to the RS6?

I'm thinking I'll probably have to work on getting second hand or ex-dem items if I decide to go for either of the above (hence me asking if the BR5's would be much cop

Thanks again all


hi ive jus demo'd both of the MAs in sevenoaks ive gone for the rs6s both were very good but there was a clear difference between the br5 and rs6s the only bit i watched was from the badboys 2movies when they fight with the rastas in the house the smashing of glass and ripping of wood was so much crisper. if u can stretch go with the rs6s u wnt b disapointed they are awesome. as for the sub they used the mj acoustic pro 50mkII sub which was tiny but really good, and i dnt remember the other sub which was the monitor audio sub which suggests it was poor as i dnt remember it being impressive. the strange thing is the mj sub was only 350 but the monitor was double the price. im kinda stuck on a sub just now myself as im not sure which to go for all the ppl here seem to like the monolith and the svs but im still stuck on what to go for.


Thanks mate, i do like the idea of the Silvers over the Bronzes. Only thing i've just had pointed out to me is my amp. Its a Sony STR DB1080. Will the fact that this isn't up there with the best really matter? I'm intending on upgrading this at some point to, probably to one of the new Sony HD audio amps (one just above the 820 in the range i reckon) but should my current setup change the way i look at my speaker upgrades?

Thanks again for your help so far

Lost Angeles

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Apr 24, 2008
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I'd never considered B&W's, didn't really think they'd ever be in my price range to be honest.

How do you think the 684 package rates next to the RS6?

I'm thinking I'll probably have to work on getting second hand or ex-dem items if I decide to go for either of the above (hence me asking if the BR5's would be much cop

The BR5s are a decent package but as Gerrardasnails said the RS6 is better and you would not be disappointed

I listened to the RS6s and the 684s and picked the 684s because they suited me better for HiFi but the RS6s sounded excellent on surround sound, I even bought the MA RSW12 sub (the MJ acoustic pro 50mkII must be really good if it's better than the RSW12).

If you can't afford the RS6s new then try B&W 685s against the BR5s

The only thing I didn't like about the 685 package was I wanted to hang the back speakers on the wall and the 686 rears are too big to do this


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Dec 28, 2007
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Lost Angeles:The only thing I didn't like about the 685 package was I wanted to hang the back speakers on the wall and the 686 rears are too big to do this
You don't have to get the 686s as your rears - the speakers are all available individually and it doesn't cost any more to buy them individually. For instance I use the M1s as rears as I don't have room for the 686s in my living room. You could also look at the DS3's which are designed to be hung on the wall.


i think your sony amp should be ok for now till you upgrade the guy in sevenoaks assured me that in comparison to alot of other brands b&w and quad etc the monitors dnt need alot of juice to run them so i wud imagine you will bo ok. if u can afford it ad say defo go for the rs6 av u will be hooked as soon as you hear it.


Nice one!

Cheers for the input so far all, sounds like the theme generally is go for the Silver's
. Think i should start looking on ebay for second hand one's and maybe ex-dem, Sevenoaks seem to have these every now and then.

I'm thinking a should maybe get the fronts and centre initially, then get the rears once funds allow.



You should also consider the B&W 685 package, which is only £1200 or the Monitor Audio Silver RS1 AV, which is like the RS6 AV, but with the RS1ÿstand-mounts instead of RS6 floor-standers, which is £1650 and the Tannoy Mercury F1 Custom, which is £800.ÿ

If you're considering the B&Ws, you could them try them with the bigger, but better ASW610 subwoofer instead of the ASW608 that is listed as part of the package. The ASW610 costs £100 more than the ASW608 though, which would make the total package £1300 instead, although I think it's worth considering.



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Sep 6, 2007
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Arf69:hi ive jus demo'd both of the MAs in sevenoaks ive gone for the rs6s both were very good but there was a clear difference between the br5 and rs6s the only bit i watched was from the badboys 2movies when they fight with the rastas in the house the smashing of glass and ripping of wood was so much crisper. if u can stretch go with the rs6s u wnt b disapointed they are awesome. as for the sub they used the mj acoustic pro 50mkII sub which was tiny but really good, and i dnt remember the other sub which was the monitor audio sub which suggests it was poor as i dnt remember it being impressive. the strange thing is the mj sub was only 350 but the monitor was double the price. im kinda stuck on a sub just now myself as im not sure which to go for all the ppl here seem to like the monolith and the svs but im still stuck on what to go for.

You are not supposed to notice the sub just the sound it gives. The RSW12 - part of the RS6av is immense and would blow away the MJ Acoustic sub. If you weren't impressed with it, I suggest you go again specifically to listen to the subs. Mine is astonishing and makes my room explode. I have to turn it down and have the level on my receiver at minus 15 it's so powerful.


Gouldy Boy:
Nice one!

]. Think i should start looking on ebay for second hand one's and maybe ex-dem,

Sorry to do this to you but a couple of weeks ag a full 5.1 RS6 system (incl. QED cables) went on ebay for under 800 quid from a private sale (not dealer) They were less than a year old too !

Similar may be around soon but I thought 'bargain' at the time. Keep 'em peeled


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Sep 6, 2007
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andyb190:Gouldy Boy:
Nice one!

]. Think i should start looking on ebay for second hand one's and maybe ex-dem,

Sorry to do this to you but a couple of weeks ag a full 5.1 RS6 system (incl. QED cables) went on ebay for under 800 quid from a private sale (not dealer) They were less than a year old too !

Similar may be around soon but I thought 'bargain' at the time. Keep 'em peeled

That is amazing!! Considering that the subwoofer is now £750 alone! Out of interest, what do you think of the RSW12?


Gerrardasnails:andyb190:Gouldy Boy:
Nice one!

]. Think i should start looking on ebay for second hand one's and maybe ex-dem,

Sorry to do this to you but a couple of weeks ag a full 5.1 RS6 system (incl. QED cables) went on ebay for under 800 quid from a private sale (not dealer) They were less than a year old too !

Similar may be around soon but I thought 'bargain' at the time. Keep 'em peeled

That is amazing!! Considering that the subwoofer is now £750 alone! Out of interest, what do you think of the RSW12?

Not heard it myself (outside a demo) but I liked what I heard and so did thereviewers on here. I didn't use enough variety of sources (music) in particular but I was very impressed by the system. I felt cheeky really because I knew I'd end up with a style system (M cubes I'm afraid) but I was sorely tempted.

Now you mention the sub ........did I see it in the pic on e bay? Mmm, Maybe not ( although I'm not saying it def wasn't) but the system was floor mount fronts, stand mount rears(incl stands) centre and cables. Even the fronts alone would've been a bargain at the price and I really kick myself now thinking about it !!


Mine is astonishing and makes my room explode. I have to turn it down and have the level on my receiver at minus 15 it's so powerful.

Gerrardasnails how do u think your rsw12 sub would compare to the monolith df ????


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Sep 6, 2007
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Mine is astonishing and makes my room explode. I have to turn it down and have the level on my receiver at minus 15 it's so powerful.

Gerrardasnails how do u think your rsw12 sub would compare to the monolith df ????

I couldn't say as I've not heard the BK in action but I would be surprised if it could touch it. I was so shocked at how good it is. It makes a difference to the whole system and not just the big noises like explosions and the like. And although it's very heavy (25kg) it's relatively small.


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