Which Interconnects?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Im looking to upgrade the interconnect from my dac to amp budget upto £130

Thinking of

Chord cameleon silver

Atlas Equator Superior

Van den Hul - wave (the lime green one)

All these seem highly rated at their price point but does anyone have an opinion as to what they think?

System CA 740A amp, CA Discmagic and Dac magic - Mordaunt short MS40i's also looking to upgrade speakers to MonAudio RX6
I use SHB from DAC to amp and now can't see why, when such cables are readily available via ebay and well received why you would want to shell out any more. They are cost less than any other cable I have used and sound just as good if not better. If you are not happy you can send them back.
silver high breed interconnects are getting rave reviews on another forum ... I have the coherence LE and the synergy (have not tried the synergy yet as am very happy with the coherence) .... they cost beer money and I am well chuffed! ....

am awaiting the silver high breed speaker cable which I will be receiving shortly .... read this (17 pages of comments)

If you can use a 0.5m run - try a Kimber Timbre £127

".this is one of the best interconnects we know of."

Hi-Fi Choice magazine, November 2008

If you can use a 0.5m run - try a Kimber Timbre £127

".this is one of the best interconnects we know of."

Hi-Fi Choice magazine, November 2008

Merlin Chopin is a great altenative. It is an immensely balanced interconnect, delivering detail and transparency in spades; the bass is tight and punchy.

For the money, around £80.00, it's a must audition.
Ditto on the SHB Cable. I think its impossible to beat at the price.
SHB limited edition cables seem to be very good value for money. Definately get one before spending more!
Well, I hope all of this talk about SHB is right. I've just ordered some called Metaphor for the princely sum of £16 and shall report back in due time. The las time I did this kind of thing was with Gotham's, mind...

plastic penguin:BigAir:

If you can use a 0.5m run - try a Kimber Timbre £127

".this is one of the best interconnects we know of."

Hi-Fi Choice magazine, November 2008

Merlin Chopin is a great altenative. It is an immensely balanced interconnect, delivering detail and transparency in spades; the bass is tight and punchy.

For the money, around £80.00, it's a must audition.

can yote for that - selling a 1.5m pair on ebay at moment along with a load of other stuff - matengaebg
Personally I would say it depends on what sound you are after and only you can decide that after having auditions. Personally though I would have thought that the Chord Chameleon Siler + would suit your equipment as it has plenty of low end guts and delivers plenty of oomph and detail.

True Blue, you must try out a Chord Chrysalis RCA Phono --> 5 Pin DIN between your CD and Naim amp. (Audio-T have some in a clearance for £29)

I am sure Nick and the boys can get a set and let you try before paying for them.

Good call - I have a couple of pairs of Chrysalis and they are top-notch for your buck. However, (he says with gritted teeth) with the Naims bass exuberance, the Chord maybe found wanting when it comes to bass control.
plastic penguin:
Good call - I have a couple of pairs of Chrysalis and they are top-notch for your buck. However, (he says with gritted teeth) with the Naims bass exuberance, the Chord maybe found wanting when it comes to bass control.

Compared to a Chord Crimson RCA Phono --> 5 Pin DIN cable (from my tuner) I found the Chrysalis version far better for bass. Less heavy (more control as you say) and with much better mid-band/voice presence.

My reasoning for trying it was that Chrysalis used to be recommended by Naim themselves (and used by them too I think.)
chebby:plastic penguin:

Good call - I have a couple of pairs of Chrysalis and they are top-notch for your buck. However, (he says with gritted teeth) with the Naims bass exuberance, the Chord maybe found wanting when it comes to bass control.

Compared to a Chord Crimson RCA Phono --> 5 Pin DIN cable (from my tuner) I found the Chrysalis version far better for bass. Less heavy (more control as you say) and with much better mid-band/voice presence.

My reasoning for trying it was that Chrysalis used to be recommended by Naim themselves (and used by them too I think.)

Fair play - this is in comparison to the Chopins (albeit they are more expensive). They give extra transparency and detail, hence why I use them with the CDP, which tends to lean on the warmer side. I use the Chrysalis on our DVD and VHS and it seems to be a good sonic combination.
True Blue, you must try out a Chord Chrysalis RCA Phono --> 5 Pin DIN between your CD and Naim amp. (Audio-T have some in a clearance for £29)

I am sure Nick and the boys can get a set and let you try before paying for them.

Thanks Chebby, but at the moment I am completely happy with my setup, think I may get my Chameleon fitted with 5pin naim adaptors mind you. Absolutely nothing left to uprgade this year. Next year power supplies (Naim), phono stage and turntable. Oh and my DIY oak podium rack........ongoing........
I use to use Chord Chameleon Silver until the SHB2. I brought it due to all the rave reviews on this site and others. So lets be real its a quarter of the price of the Chord so I wasnt expecting much... well after connecting up the SHB2 I was shocked how much detail and more 3D sound projection this ONE change had made, I listened to favorite tracks for an hour or so, hearing sounds never b4 heard with a stage sound so more apparent than with the Chord. The end result?? The Chord has been gathering dust for past few months, simply put the SHB interconnects are amazing.

I did not have the same experience with the SHB speaker cable which I would rate alot lower than the Chord Carinal Silverscreen.

Hope this helps.
some people say the silver high breed interconnect is similar to the old hitachi interconnect which was supposed to be very good
For what it's worth, I swapped out one of two Chord Chameleon Silver Plus I/Cs for an SHB Coherence LE. Both cables are very good but have different tonals balances. I find a CSP between pre/power with an SHB between CDP/pre the right balance for me. The CSP has a more extended and powerful bass and I found two SHBs took just a touch too much away.

Have a play and enjoy.
A vote for VDH the Wave..... Extremely good interconnect in my system.


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