Cypher said:
theadmans said:
Given that the What Hi-Fi review of the MF V90 states that it lacks excitement, that bass could be tighter and it is not very agile I am confident that the Bushmaster would be significantly better even off the mains. With battery power you are looking at the Bushmaster bettering DACs in the class of the Audiolab MDAC.
WhatHifi was the only review that I read that wasn't that positive about the V90. Other reviews were much more positive...........
Have you read the Hi-Fi Choice review of the V90 DAC ?
You can only say that the Bushmaster is better after a comparison between the two dacs
Yes I did read the Hi-Fi Choice group test of the V90 - I stll have it to hand and I note it got 4 stars out of 5 for sound - but "kraftwerk was a bit sleepy sounding" and bass was disconnected. This echos what What Hi-Fi said really.
The V90 comes last in the group test (although it is the cheapest DAC at £200). I have not heard the V90 but I have compared the Bushmaster against an Audiolab MDAC. The Audiolab QDAC (cheaper cut down version of MDAC) came second in the Group Test and I know I prefer the Bushmaster to the MDAC so therefore I suspect the it is also well ahead of the V90. On battery power the Bushmaster moves even further ahead of the MDAC.
The V90 is no doubt still a fine DAC for £200 but that same £200 will buy an "exceptional" DAC in the Bushmaster II. True the Bushmaster is not as pretty but I think the difference in sound quality more than makes up for this. What you have got to remember is that the Bushmaster is not sold through Dealers so more of that £200 goes towards the components that matter - rather than the Dealer Margin and a pretty case.
Yes very valid comments . Wat is this mains supply u are talking of ? As standard how does it get powered up ? And what improves this further ? Where is the cheapest places to buy the bushmaster?