Lynne said:
Thanks for your advise ,I haven't listened to either of them ,my rooms 3meters by 4meters do you think the LX85 would be to powerful for my speakers &roomsize .
My current room is 4x4.5 mtrs with a large opening to one side into the dinning room.
The extra power helps drive the speakers at lower listening levels and gives the control I was looking for when needed.
My amp is normally at -36db for most movies and can go upto -26db for music depending on the source.
The 85 does sound slightly different to the 72 I had previously tonally, it was never bright as some would say, but the 85 has a slightly warmer sound.
Denon amps do have a warmer sound than the Pioneer, again you would have to demo yourself if possible.
One thing, make sure the dealer has calibrated the amps before you listen, I had a demo not long ago and whilst the dealer was out of the room I checked the amp settings, only to find they were still at the factory default.