Which 50inch plasma????


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have a finally decided to upgradge my TV, and have come down to the following Plasma options Panasonic Viera TH50PZ70B or the Samsung PS50P96FDX Plasma . I can budget is between £1200 - £1500 at a push, but would prefer to spend no more than £1200 really. Is it better to purchase a full HD 42, or a 50 with 1920 x 720?

I sit over 4.0metres away from my current set so the size should not be the issue. I keep hearing the 42" Panasonic is better that 50" Panasonic, is this true? What else is their in the market? What are the other options?

Many thanks guys,
Hi Fuzzy

I am in the same situation but have upto £2k to spend...I asked which 50" plasma yesterday but with no replies, so hopefully someone will offer their thoughts today ;-)
[quote user="Fuzzy_Bear"]Is it better to purchase a full HD 42, or a 50 with 1920 x 720?[/quote]

For picture quality the reverse is normally the case. The 1920x1080 sets you have mentioned will come in right at the top of your budget but for £1200 you could get the 42" versions. If you want to go for 50" I say spend the lot as at that screen size (with the possible exception of Pioneer or Fujitsu) you may notice the lower resolution.

For £2000 I would go for the Pioneer pdp-508xd (Dixons online £2080 delivered) or the 50" Fujitsu (can't remember off hand the name and you may find hard, as I did, to track down to audition). These two manufacturers make some of the best plasma screens around.

If, Steve, you sit quite close to your set you may prefer to go for full 1920x1080 resolution in which case either the Panasonic 50pz or Samsung 50p96 would be fine and spend the rest on your audio set-up?
Before you buy look at the Samsung PS50Q97HDX -Well within your bugdet and a great HD ready TV


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