Question Black Friday forcing my hand


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
I still love the picture quality of my 37 inch Panasonic HD ready plasma purchased in 2008. I had vowed not to replace it until it stopped working but with the LG 55inch G3 down to around £1500 in Black Friday deals I feel almost obliged to take the plunge now. However, What HiFi have just announced the Sony A80L as their television of the year. Given that I am not in a position to audition either model and slight price difference not withstanding, which is the better TV.
I still love the picture quality of my 37 inch Panasonic HD ready plasma purchased in 2008. I had vowed not to replace it until it stopped working but with the LG 55inch G3 down to around £1500 in Black Friday deals I feel almost obliged to take the plunge now. However, What HiFi have just announced the Sony A80L as their television of the year. Given that I am not in a position to audition either model and slight price difference not withstanding, which is the better TV.
Not my area of expertise but suggest looking for a few more reviews of these TVs and not relying solely on the What Hifi one. Read around.
Look for facilities you need and don't pay extra for those you don't, for a start.
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