where to buy a denon 2500bt??


New member
Aug 10, 2019
well guys, i took delivery of a pioneer lx52 at the weekend and compared to my previous panny bd30 i can hear a better sound but really not impressed with the picture. so once i have sold the pioneer, am going to try the denon. just wondering where the best place to get one is, in silver???
If only you had listened to what I had to say. I was up against everyone in that thread, but am glad that everyone was proven wrong!

Read what ValianTX had to say about his Denon DVD2500BT!

Peter Tyson has it in silver for £449.00. I'm not sure if you can get it any cheaper than this.

Consolation - you won't lose on the £250.00 you paid for the LX-52.
i did listen to what you said but got the pioneer cheaper than the denon was. now i have tried it i will pay the extra. just have to find one!
Why don't you just send it back, that's what my dad did with that pioneer?
i bought it off a friend. he used it once and didnt want it, and doesnt care about the money he lost. so i will sell it now its been used twice! will probably flea bay it
brett morris:i bought it off a friend. he used it once and didnt want it, and doesnt care about the money he lost. so i will sell it now its been used twice! will probably flea bay it

Should get really good money then.

I know this is a bit of a long shot but some shops do trade in's for product's.
that would be ok and save me the hassle of selling it. do you know any?
brett morris:that would be ok and save me the hassle of selling it. do you know any?

I know moorgate accoustics in sheffield do, I traded my brand new mission elegantes for brand new B&W MT30 speaker package there.

They have a website.
brett morris:well guys, i took delivery of a pioneer lx52 at the weekend and compared to my previous panny bd30 i can hear a better sound but really not impressed with the picture. so once i have sold the pioneer, am going to try the denon. just wondering where the best place to get one is, in silver???hi mate, if i was you id try and get a demo of the denon 2500 - i have one and if im being honest i cant see much of a improvement over my ps3 slim ,i did tests on my pioneer 428xd and the infocus x10! (projector i had at the time) and i couldnt see what all the fuss is about - it looked maybe slightly better.just my opinion! MAKE SURE YOU DEMO BEFORE SELLING YOUR PIONEER LX52.
cheers fowler. thanks for the advice. i will arrange a demo before selling.what did you think about the sound too?
brett morris:well guys, i took delivery of a pioneer lx52 at the weekend and compared to my previous panny bd30 i can hear a better sound but really not impressed with the picture. so once i have sold the pioneer, am going to try the denon. just wondering where the best place to get one is, in silver???

Sevenoaks were selling them at £430.00

Hi Fix were £399.00

You might have a problem buying online as Denon have a purchase at store only policy
brett morris:cheers fowler. thanks for the advice. i will arrange a demo before selling.what did you think about the sound too?sound is better but again not by much in my opinion , i bought the denon without a demo on the back of all the rave reviews on various forums, i would be quite happy to watch my blu-rays on the ps3 without thinking im missing out sound and vision wise if i was watching on the denon 2500! the differance isnt massive for me.
...which is kinda what you'd expect from a transport. The quality of the decoding and conversion downstream of it will have a much greater influence on performance.
Andrew Everard:...which is kinda what you'd expect from a transport. The quality of the decoding and conversion downstream of it will have a much greater influence on performance.
Let me confirm that I understand what you are saying Andrew. You are saying that you would not expect much difference between the PS3 and the 2500? That sounds like the sort of thing I would say, but I am a heretic. Given that the Denon used to be £900 why did anyone buy it?
I'm merely saying that a transport will have less influence than, say, the quality of the conversion and decoding in your AV amplification, and the quality of the picture processing in the display you use.
hammill:Andrew Everard:...which is kinda what you'd expect from a transport. The quality of the decoding and conversion downstream of it will have a much greater influence on performance.
Let me confirm that I understand what you are saying Andrew. You are saying that you would not expect much difference between the PS3 and the 2500? That sounds like the sort of thing I would say, but I am a heretic. Given that the Denon used to be £900 why did anyone buy it?

Build quality justifies a premium

Used to cost £900.00 , I have one and no way was it worth £900.00, but for £399.00 it must be demod against anything else out there

Profile 1 and slow loading also would not need to be a concern to any purchaser , it isn't /wasn't for me

The difference in sound quality with my Yamaha Z7 compared to PS3 , now that my Z7 decoders can do there job is massive

Picture quality is better but not to such a degree

hammill:Andrew Everard:...which is kinda what you'd expect from a transport. The quality of the decoding and conversion downstream of it will have a much greater influence on performance.
Let me confirm that I understand what you are saying Andrew. You are saying that you would not expect much difference between the PS3 and the 2500? That sounds like the sort of thing I would say, but I am a heretic. Given that the Denon used to be £900 why did anyone buy it?

Build quality justifies a premium

Used to cost £900.00 , I have one and no way was it worth £900.00, but for £399.00 it must be demod against anything else out there

Profile 1 and slow loading also would not need to be a concern to any purchaser , it isn't /wasn't for me

The difference in sound quality with my Yamaha Z7 compared to PS3 , now that my Z7 decoders can do there job is massive

Picture quality is better but not to such a degree
I am glad you are happy with it - my Denon DVD 1920 was (still is) a great product so I have no anti Denon agenda. You say that slow loading does not bother you - I am sure you are right, although I know it would bother me. As a matter of interest, do you happen to have a copy ot terminator 2 skynet edition? This is the slowest loading blu-ray I have come across, I would be interested in how long it is from turning on player to watching the opening frames of the film.
hammill:As a matter of interest, do you happen to have a copy ot terminator 2 skynet edition? This is the slowest loading blu-ray I have come across, I would be interested in how long it is from turning on player to watching the opening frames of the film.

That's because the disc is trying to call back to Skynet for instructions, but finding the communications link is non-existent. And if you think I'm joking - well, I am a bit - this blog piece from last year may be worth a read: it's a situation I can see becoming more prevalent as discs become available with managed copying rights (as is becoming the case in the States) and other content-protection.
Andrew Everard:
hammill:As a matter of interest, do you happen to have a copy ot terminator 2 skynet edition? This is the slowest loading blu-ray I have come across, I would be interested in how long it is from turning on player to watching the opening frames of the film.

That's because the disc is trying to call back to Skynet for instructions, but finding the communications link is non-existent. And if you think I'm joking - well, I am a bit - this blog piece from last year may be worth a read: it's a situation I can see becoming more prevalent as discs become available with managed copying rights (as is becoming the case in the States) and other content-protection.

I knew it was doing this (it tells you after all), but I have been running with out an ethernet connection as I just wanted to watch the film. I will swap over the homeplug from my Humax and see if it makes any difference and also see if BD 2.0 can be turned off on the Oppo just to see what difference it makes.
are you so sure the denon will be better than the pioneer ?? bigboss has a mighty fine a.v. setup ,and he says that he can see no difference on it between his ps3 , panasonic bluray player , and his pals denon 2500 ...

given that you see no improvement over your pana , even though its supposedly , allegedly , inferiour to the pioneer , do you really want to spend more money , on a denon that may or may not be better ??

hammill:Andrew Everard:...which is kinda what you'd expect from a transport. The quality of the decoding and conversion downstream of it will have a much greater influence on performance.
Let me confirm that I understand what you are saying Andrew. You are saying that you would not expect much difference between the PS3 and the 2500? That sounds like the sort of thing I would say, but I am a heretic. Given that the Denon used to be £900 why did anyone buy it?

Build quality justifies a premium

Used to cost £900.00 , I have one and no way was it worth £900.00, but for £399.00 it must be demod against anything else out there

Profile 1 and slow loading also would not need to be a concern to any purchaser , it isn't /wasn't for me

The difference in sound quality with my Yamaha Z7 compared to PS3 , now that my Z7 decoders can do there job is massive

Picture quality is better but not to such a degree

I am glad you are happy with it - my Denon DVD 1920 was (still is) a great product so I have no anti Denon agenda. You say that slow loading does not bother you - I am sure you are right, although I know it would bother me. As a matter of interest, do you happen to have a copy ot terminator 2 skynet edition? This is the slowest loading blu-ray I have come across, I would be interested in how long it is from turning on player to watching the opening frames of the film.

I dont have that disc sorry , but the thread is Where to buy one , not the debate on one player V better than another plenty threads here on that
lesmor:I dont have that disc sorry , but the thread is Where to buy one , not the debate on one player V better than another plenty threads here on that

There're loads for sale on ebay. At this very minute, there's a brand new sealed box one in premium silver for £359.00 or offer (but it may not still be there by time you read this!).
lesmor:I dont have that disc sorry , but the thread is Where to buy one , not the debate on one player V better than another plenty threads here on that

There're loads for sale on ebay. At this very minute, there's a brand new sealed box one in premium silver for £359.00 or offer (but it may not still be there by time you read this!).

Where did you see this? I've just been on E-bay and all I see is one being sold as 'faulty' for £195.00.

Edit - had another search and I see it now.

That's what I thought so I e-mailed him and he said that it had the latest firmware but it was still freezing. He suspects someone in the family has dropped it!

The one going for £359.00 or best offer is new - what a great buy! I'm itching to get it!!



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