Got a situation.
Bought a Teac DRH300DAB DVD player in April this year from Empire Direct. It developed a fault after a couple of months so I sent it back. They had it for 7 weeks! They sent it back to me, fixed. Within two weeks it developed the same fault, so I sent it back again two weeks ago. Just had a message from the engineer saying that they can't find the fault.
Obviously it's got a fault as I wouldn't have sent it back, but if they can't find it, what do I do? I don't want it back as it is, but they won't refund or exchange as they can't find the fault.
Pretty soon they will have had it longer than me!!
Any ideas would be gratefully received.
Bought a Teac DRH300DAB DVD player in April this year from Empire Direct. It developed a fault after a couple of months so I sent it back. They had it for 7 weeks! They sent it back to me, fixed. Within two weeks it developed the same fault, so I sent it back again two weeks ago. Just had a message from the engineer saying that they can't find the fault.
Obviously it's got a fault as I wouldn't have sent it back, but if they can't find it, what do I do? I don't want it back as it is, but they won't refund or exchange as they can't find the fault.
Pretty soon they will have had it longer than me!!
Any ideas would be gratefully received.