whats the best settings for new plasma


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Aug 10, 2019
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hi i am about to buy a panasonic th37px80 what are the best settings for the breaking in period of this plasma contrast brightness ect also how long. is it alright to use video games like nitendo wii during this period .are there any other dos or donts i should know. any help would be appreciated. do panasonic give information on breaking in settings


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Dec 28, 2007
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Okay, I've heard some quote realistic figures, such as set the TV at low brightness / contrast for the first few days of use, up to ridiculous figures of don't use the TV for anything other than displaying slightly grey materials for 2 months

I have to admit, I'm dubious on both! I used my Panasonic TH-42PX600 out of the box and the first thing I did was hook up my Xbox 360 and see how good it looked (that was after all why I bought the HDTV in the first place!). I set the contrast high and enjoyed the spectacular images Hi-Def gaming gave me. 2 years in and everything still works fine on my television.

This isn't to say a running in period isn't a good idea or anything - maybe I was wrong to do the above (I was young and naive and it was way before I joined this forum and learnt what I know now!). However, I wouldn't get too hung up about it. I'd suggest a sensible period of a few days / a week of running it at a low contrast setting (can't see any issue of hooking up a Wii) if you want to be safe. Then, go for your life!


I take it that the "burning in" period is to get tthe cells on the screen warmed up? (I admit I know nothing)


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Nov 12, 2007
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I have just had a 37PX80 delivered a couple of days ago. I have set it to "Cinema" mode and adjusted the contrast/brightness etc only slightly ( a couple of notches at most) for precaution, however the picture on these settings is probably how I would have set it anyway. A work colleague has a 42PX600 plasma which he bougght 2 years ago, and did not realise that he needed to be careful. 2 years later, after playing Playstation 3, Wii and Xbox games, there is no sign of any screen burn or retention. The build quality on plasmas now is such that they put the precaution there only for extreme cases, I doubt that you will have a problem.

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Agree with all the above.

I usually preface any suggestions I make about low contrast/brightness for the first couple of hundred hours on a plasma with "If you're still worried, then..."


andrew why do people take these precautions is it to do with the make up of the plasma screens

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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It was advisable with some older panel designs, but seems less important with modern panels.

But if it makes people feel more assured, following this gentle run-in does no harm at all...


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