whats the best scart lead

No scart lead will rival HDMI in terms of potential picture quality, or even component, as both can support a higher resolution signal (providing an HD signal is being output by the source).

Haven't used Scart for a long time but when I did I found QED's Silver Reference cable was always excellent (extremely good build quality, very solid connectors and good shielding), always produced a great picture when connected to decent kit. It can be found online for around £15-£20.
An SD video signal is only going to get to a certain standard so there's a limit to how much improvement you'll get by spending more.

Keep in mind also that £15 price is heavily discounted because scart is an old connection method and demand for scart leads has fallen through the floor; I paid around £60 when I brought mine (back in the days before HDMI).

I used the QED cable with kit that was reasonably high end at the time (a £500 Denon DVD player and a £1,200 Sony 32" grand vega, then a £1,500 Sony 44" rear projector, then a £2,000 hitachi plasma), and it always gave great results.
mr malarky said:
I paid around £60 when I brought mine (back in the days before HDMI).

Crikey even back then I'd have wanted it delivered by Kylie Minogue topless for that price. Don't think I ever paid more than £20 for a 3m run fully-wired.
I allway's thought gold plated was better because they don't oxidise, but i could be wrong in which case the op could just buy the cheapest, the first ones he comes accross and it will be just as good.

I've allway's bought gold plated cables for peace of mind though.


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