What to upgrade next - phono preamp, amp, or speakers?


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Brief summary - building my setup, stumbled upon an amazing deal, and now I'm the proud and extremely excited owner of a VPI Classic 1 with an Ortofon 2M Black MM cartridge. The rest of the system is TEAC AG 790 (product info page) and Boston Acoustics Tvee Model 25 speaker bar and subwoofer (product info page).

Obviously there is a massive gap in performance/capability between the Classic 1 and the amp/"speakers." The amp has a built in phono stage, so I don't currently have a dedicated component for that either.

I have two questions - what should I upgrade next, and what are some options to begin looking at?

I've received an opinion of targeting speakers next, which lines up with my own assumptions, but I'm curious what the sound judgment (pun intended) and expertise of others recommend.

Also, in looking at speakers, I'm a bit overwhelmed at where to focus. There's a huge range obviously and a lot of types. It seems like floor speakers are the way to go, but I'd love to hear thoughts on that as well as some budget vs mid level vs high end options that would be appropriate for the Classic 1.

I'm aware that my current amp doesn't do the table justice, and that quality speakers also won't be served well by the amp. Since all components will be upgraded in the coming months, this isn't an issue. I'm looking to make a purchase for the future state of my system.

Thanks in advance and look forward to the discussion!
That's a very nice turntable set-up. Perhaps a bit more info might help.

What would be your maximum budget for each (speakers and amplifier) and what is your listening room like (size, can you have speakers away from the back wall and if so by how much or would they have to be close to a back wall?) You mentioned floorstanders, are these your preferred option?

I would indeed concentrate on speakers first in your position.
I'm turning a slight shade of green here! Be interested to hear how your system develops. I agree with Al, defintely speakers first if it's a step by step upgrade. Going second hand you may perhaps be able to upgrade amp and speakers... Or are there any combo deals that will do your turntable justice... What's the budget? I like virtually spending other people's money! ;-)
Thanks for the responses - seems like speakers are the way to go. I, too, am really excited to watch this system come together 🙂

As far as budget goes, I'm honestly flexible. I certainly don't have the desire to spend 20-30g on the speakers and amplifier/preamp, but my budget can flex around depending on what I'm getting for the money. (for example ... I first thought I would spend approximately $250 on a turntable... and now that I have a Classic 1.. I obviously surpassed that. I got an amazing deal so I was not remotely in the realm of retail.. just illustrating that my "budget ideas" are flexible).

So.. to put some guidelines out there to start with.. I'm thinking from a gut level somewhere in the $800-1600 range for the speakers. I know that's a huge range, but I don't really know what I'm getting on each end of the spectrum or if I can really get more bang for my buck by stepping up in price. I know the higher you go in equipment you get an increasing amount of diminishing returns, but there tends to be sweet spots along the way.. and I'm hoping there's one somewhere near my budget.

As for floor standing speakers vs. speaker mount (bookshelf) - I have the flexibility to place the speakers approximately 18 inches away from a wall, if that is sufficient. The room is about approximately 400 square feet. I have read various opinions on what type to go with, and I'm a bit at a loss right now. It seems that often the mids/treble and soundstage tend to be superior on bookshelf, but at the cost of bass (and then I hear conflicting opinions on introducing a subwoofer into the setup). On the flipside, others mention a more visceral presence and improved bass with floor standing models. I know in either case, there are some sexy options, but I'd love to hear some thoughts, especially given the Class 1 is at the other end of the system (if that sways advice at all).

Once I figure out the speaker situation, then it will be onto replacing the amp with either an integrated model or separate components - but for now that will just remain exciting thoughts as I narrow down speakers.

Thanks all!
That's a good budget to work with and a good space to put speakers in. 18 inches from rear wall is plenty for a lot of floorstanders and it is these you should go for in my opinion. Don't forget with standmounts you'd need to factor in the cost of a good pair of stands (subtract this from your budget and you are going to end up with a lower quality speaker for the equivalent price of a floorstander.)

Speakers selection is very important, get this part of the chain wrong and everything is going to sound bad.

Do you have any dealers in the area that you can visit? If so what makes of speakers do they stock? Will they possibly let you have a home demo? Try to push for this or at the very least a shop demo.

It is no good me listing some exotic speakers here if you cannot audition them.

The only other avenue would be going second-hand, getting a lot more for your money, but losing out on the ability to audition.

To that I might add (I assume you are in the States) if you ever see a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers going second-hand then buy them immediately - they are, by quite a way, the best speakers I have ever owned, period..
First - just got the Classic today and set it up... Wow... the thing radiates quality in build... and the sound is absolutely gorgeous. I'll hold off until I've had some serious listening time and let it break in before providing my review. Very happy so far.

I'm in the Nashville area - and from the research I've just started doing, I'm not finding a lot in the way of hi fi stores I can go and demo some speakers. I'll keep looking, and but it seems a bit limited in the way of speakers to be able to go and demo.

Those Zen Adagios seem mighty impressive. I'm not sure I've ever come across such glowing reviews for a product. I may have to push my budget out to consider something along those lines...

In all seriousness I'm very open to suggestions and then I will do my best to see how I can figure out a way to demo them. I do travel a fair amount as well so it's possible I could always demo during one of my trips.

I was just browsing around and saw a substantial discounts on the Focal Chorus 816vs at Music Direct. I realize they aren't in the same league as the Zen ... but they also aren't in the same league price wise. Are the speaker a steal at 1299 right now or is that really a fair price for them? I've definitely settled on getting floor standing speakers, but still feeling very overwhelmed with the selection and price. I guess I really just need to come down to a more specific list and get some feedback here and then see if and where I can demo them. I really hope Best Buy isn't my best option for demoing around here..
I am not too sure about the States pricing but what you normally find is that what you pay in dollars there we end up paying Pounds Srerling here. The Focals would appear to be overpriced as we have recently seen prices for these fall as low as £700.

If you are interested in these I would wait....


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