What the DAC is going on?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All,

This forum is excellent and I have learnt so much from everyone on here. Long time reader first time poster. So im looking at investing in a nice integrated amp to start up a nice stereo setup.

Hearing about the naimuniti and then reading the Andrew's comments about it made me sure that this would be ideal for my needs. However I dont really require a CD player or wireless connectivity since Im hoping to get a squeezebox duet to manage this. Since most of my music will be direct via a turntable or streamed via the squeezebox with digital into the amp, Im thinking that the supernait would be more valuable here as it is a much superior amp than the naimuniti.

So am i right in thinking that now it comes down to the DAC? So how would the supernait and naimuniti DAC's compare?



Unless you've decided on a Naim solution, the Moon i3.3 (with the digital option) is another amp that is worthy of consideration. It can also be fitted with a phono board which, to my ears, sounds very reasonable. I have the Moon amp and am very happy it, all that it's missing is a HT bypass.