what speakers best match roksan kandy k2 amp ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hello folk,

after some long search i had a chance to get a Roksan Kandy K2 amp for a good price, but now i have thrilling doubts about the speakers to match with it !!

i started to check on the honest sounding bookshelf segment...but i seeing almost all the models can hold up max around 100W..

so my question is: would be a problem to apply the 125W continous power of the K2 into 100W max rated speaker ???

any suggestion from other K2 users (or not) ? what you matched with your Kandy beast ? 🙂

just for your info i listen almost every kind of music, mostly rock and jazz/fusion.

oh...and keep in mind my budget is max 800€ (off course i prefer to spend less possible !!)

i wait your feedbacks !!
so my question is: would be a problem to apply the 125W continous power of the K2 into 100W max rated speaker ???

any suggestion from other K2 users (or not) ? what you matched with your Kandy beast ? 🙂

No, that is not a problem at all as regards the power ratings. I use
Monitor Audio RX6 with my K2, which suits my ears just fine. You, of
course, may hate the combination. Auditioning is a must.

The K2 strikes me as being a bit smoother and more refined than the outgoing
Kandy LIII, which should make speaker matching a bit easier.

The K2 strikes me as being a bit smoother and more refined than the outgoingKandy LIII, which should make speaker matching a bit easier.

you mean K2 is easier to match than kandy LIII cause it sounds more musical and balanced ?

i heard about new MA series...i would like to listen one of the RX family...

thanks for your contribute tractorboy !


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