If I offended by saying I will not be guying Yamahas I apologise, BUT it is my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
Just to point out Yamaha also make motorcycles. The point being that a corporation the size of Yamaha has numerous divisions and as such one that may excel in one field (Yamaha actually started out as a musical instrument manufacturer - yes I did know that - hence the three crossed tuing forks of their logo), it doesn't necessarily mean theat they excel in all.
Speaking of motorcycles, way back when the world was black and white and people walked funny, or 1997 if you prefer, I had the opportunity to demo three motorcycles back-to-back-to-back: A Yamaha R1, A Triumph 955i Daytona, and a Ducati 748. The Yamaha and Triumph runs lasted about 30 minutes each, the Ducati run 2 hours (no it didn't break down, I put 150 miles on the thing). The differences were all too plain. I walked away from the dealer several grand lighter after putting down the deposit on a £13,500 Ducati 916 (not the 748) and not the far cheaper Yamaha or Triumph.
Yamaha make lots of different things, so do Honda (which would you really choose - a CRV or a Discovery?), and Kawasaki build power stations and submarines (and when was the last time Kawasaki won a major event?). Ducati only build motorcycles.
And that is where I am with the speakers, I'm afraid.
Anyway, this month is a five-weeker, i.e. I get to bill for five weeks instead of four, so when I get paid around the middle of next month, I figure I'll be buying some speakers, just need to decide which ones.