- Aug 10, 2019
- 2,556
- 5
- 0
Hi there,
My current system is Naim NAC112, NAP150, Rotel 855 RCD, Beresford Caiman DAC & ATC SCM40's. Thought I'm really happy with this system as allways I'm pondering potential upgrade routes and have come up with the following: Up-grade the pre-amp to either a NAC202 or 282 (but this would be expensive even on the s/h market so would be a long term idea). Something that would be more financially realistic would be to add a seperate power supply for the pre-amp and I have been looking at three options; Naim Flatcap, Avondale TPX1 or TPX2 and a TeddyCap.
Everyone seems to give these supplies a really good right up and suggest that you should expect quite a lift in performance with greater clarity, control and better defined bass lines. My questions is (from the position of a gentle cynic) - does anyone have experience of any of these and if so is it a night and day experience or should I put up and shut up and save my pennies for the new pre-amp. I admit that I'm eager to get some new toys sooner rather than later so am quite keen on the power supply option.
My current system is Naim NAC112, NAP150, Rotel 855 RCD, Beresford Caiman DAC & ATC SCM40's. Thought I'm really happy with this system as allways I'm pondering potential upgrade routes and have come up with the following: Up-grade the pre-amp to either a NAC202 or 282 (but this would be expensive even on the s/h market so would be a long term idea). Something that would be more financially realistic would be to add a seperate power supply for the pre-amp and I have been looking at three options; Naim Flatcap, Avondale TPX1 or TPX2 and a TeddyCap.
Everyone seems to give these supplies a really good right up and suggest that you should expect quite a lift in performance with greater clarity, control and better defined bass lines. My questions is (from the position of a gentle cynic) - does anyone have experience of any of these and if so is it a night and day experience or should I put up and shut up and save my pennies for the new pre-amp. I admit that I'm eager to get some new toys sooner rather than later so am quite keen on the power supply option.