davedotco said:
QuestForThe13thNote said:
CnoEvil said:
davedotco said:
Cno, I know it is rare for you to be argumentative so this is said with the utmost respect, but I suggest that you think again about what you said, the idea that a bunch of young journalists (of modest ability) can, when listening to product on a production line basis, with no technical or other checks and balances offer a view that is of real value is quite absurd.
I have been around this game almost as long as you have and have (personally) found reviews to be useful....but always use my own judgement to come to a conclusion. The reviews I take seriously are generally not from WHF....but even they get it right occasionally. *biggrin*
this kind of talk that journalists can't review with a rudimentary technical knowledge gives hi fi a bad name.
Hi fi snobbery. It kind of means that I or any other bod, who is not a hi fi specialist with huge technical knowledge, cannot come to a view on products. This is obviously not true. And who is to say journos don't have technical knowledge. I suspect as they are doing it as a job they have to have it more than most to be credible and for job retaining purposes.
anyone can do these reviews if they are reviewing sound quality and have prior experience of other products, as well as other features. For what Daved often talks sense, I think this is way far of common sense. Hi fi isn't exclusive, music which hi fi does, is all inclusive. And both can be gauged by all.
Once again your basic lack of understanding is breathtaking.
I have never suggested that ordinary enthusiasts "cannot come to a view on products", anyone who has an interest can listen and come to a conclusion that is meaningful
for them. Everyone is encouraged to listen for themselves and choose equipment that works for them, this is a fundamental tenet of this forum.
What they can not due is to extend their conclusions to other people who will not share their experience, preferences and prejudices. This simply does not and can not work.
For a review to be valuable for a third party it needs to have been produced according to a set of standards that are known, these may be technical, procedural or what have yo, this gives the third party reader a basis to relate the reviewers findings to his own requirements.
How would you propose that they Review say a speaker to cover it off to have standard procedural and technical consistency in the review. I don't see it needs to do that. What a review is, is just an opinion. It can be as much as 'it's great' (although quite obviously that wouldn't be acceptable for buying a magazine) or a long description broken down into specifications, sounds quality, conclusions and so on. But I don't think there is any concern that the reviewer is just basing it on own requirements, because it would be stupid to think that what hi fi base a 5 star review on one persons judgement. What I'm sure they are trying to achieve is consistency too, so if it's better than a comparable product, what hi fi have to think about would lots of people think so too, hence running testing past more than one person. The magazine has an editor of course so it's subject to editorial control over achieving this, no doubt.
but you said "the idea that a bunch of young journalists (of modest ability) can, when listening to product on a production line basis, with no technical or other checks and balances offer a view that is of real value is quite absurd."
So you implied that only someone with skill can come to reliable conclusions,
that I have to have lots of knowledge about hi fi and ability in it, to come to reliable conclusions, that I can then give as advice to other before others can accept it. And that is catergorically not the case. That is hi fi snobbery. The reason being hi fi is quintessentially about sound quality which anyone can discern. This is one of my biggest bugbears in decent hi fi, that people think they have to have lots of knowledge before you can extol on anyone knowledge about what is or isn't a great product, or a product better than another or what works well together. Again it's rubbish.
And that if someone then says this speaker brand are great, and lots do for reasons they give, then it's absolutely strong opinion and advice about a product which someone can either take or leave. In my opinion they'd be a fool if lots big it up, to check it out, but that's for them not me.