What do I do with my Wharfys?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Well, I've now got a pair of Wharfedale EVO2 30s with nothing to do because of my new B&W speakers. What should I do with them? I could sell them, I guess - but they were very nice speakers and I'm sure I could do something with them...
They are very useful for listening to music.
Tannoyite:They are very useful for listening to music.

He He He - Where though?! Parents don't want them downstairs - garage is full - loft is packed...
You only have 3 choices.

2nd system

Sell them

give them away

I don't think storage is a good option. I did this once and needless to say the speakers were past their best when I tried to re-use them a few years later.
Hmm...I think I'll sell them - It seems to make the most sense.

Now there's something else I'd like to ask that stems from this thread: There are a very interesting pair of speakers on eBay, but it says they've been in storage...are they worth bidding on? It says very good condition...
Hughes123:Hmm...I think I'll sell them - It seems to make the most sense.

Now there's something else I'd like to ask that stems from this thread: There are a very interesting pair of speakers on eBay, but it says they've been in storage...are they worth bidding on? It says very good condition...

What are they, and how long have they been in storage? Are they local enough to audition?

I thought you were satisfied with the 685s????
matthewpiano:Hughes123:Hmm...I think I'll sell them - It seems to make the most sense.

Now there's something else I'd like to ask that stems from this thread: There are a very interesting pair of speakers on eBay, but it says they've been in storage...are they worth bidding on? It says very good condition...

What are they, and how long have they been in storage? Are they local enough to audition?

I thought you were satisfied with the 685s????

Oh I'm very satisfied with my 685s!!! It's just they're very nice speakers that I've always wanted and they very rarely come up on eBay...

Actually, I'm going to say what they are as two bidders are engaged in a bidding war and I don't think I'll get them - they're Yamaha NS-1000M speakers.
fast eddie:I think Mr Hughes has the upgrade bug, or is just fickle.



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