What DAC for my Cyrus 8SE


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Im going to upgrade, or think by adding a DAC. Do I stay with Cyrus or are there others out there like the Bryston which is the same price here in Canada. Any other brands you can think of? Secondly so I need a digital coax or can I use standard Rca's from cd to dac? I have a wireworld silver starlight just sitting around.
the same as the CD player which in Canada costs 2500 and the bryston I can get for less than a Cyrus DacX. But still open to suggestions to finish it off
The DCS Edgar I think it was called. £8.5k a decade back, so you might get it on a deal used. Worldwide search on Ebay I think, see also Augiogon too.