Mmm . . . Just read the 2008 'Speaker Asylum post', by Klaus DK: 'the sade tale of Celestion'.
I quote:-
. . . "Yes it is a sad story; let’s hope it will serve as a lesson for all those loudspeaker producers out there who produce ever and ever shriller, harder and more pinched sounding speakers. You have already lost the young generation of listeners who are more interested in computers; beware not to loose us, the music loving community who wants natural timbre, warmth, beauty and envelopment, in our speakers."
. . . the quote, I feel, is relevent to 'listening fattigue' and suports my personal view of how speakers designers have gone over the years . . . "music loving . . . natural timbre, warmth, beauty and envelopment . . . ". Think about it . . . ?
My views are personal and biased . . . thats the way I like my music. I make no appologies for my personel opinion, you dont have to agree, but please dont take them as a personal attack, end of story.