char_lotte wrote:
A triple live album...? That may take some will power. I have Led Zep 1 somewhere so will listen soon, may as well try and get Frank Zappa too..
Zeppelin 1 was very much Jimmy Page influenced, Plant's influence perhaps shows up better in the 3rd or 4th album.
My favourites would be 1,3,2 & 4 in that order but I was only 16 in 1969 when the first album was released.
Zappa is an acquired taste and not one of mine. Good luck if you try but there are better options.
Orbe SE/ OL Illustrious 3/ Cadenza Red/Dino + PSU/ Caspian amps
You can't exchange a six inch band for all the poisoned streams in Cumberland.
I am not sure that this is going to come out right as you can tell my limited computer skills are all self taught back to post my favourite led zep are how the west was won and then 3,2,4,1