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adosero said:Thank you very much for your reponses. I absolutely agree that Pioneer A70 drives Kefs really well and gives a very clear sound but I think that my system still needs a bit of analog touch . That's why Im considering to add an external dac.
What do you thnin about nuforce and teac dacs. I can order these dacs at my local store (cant listen tho) thats why Im insisting on these ones 🙂
I have bought three DACs - A Benchmark DAC1 (bought from the factory for $895, in person, in 2002), a Cambridge DACMagic (bought for, I think, about £300 in 2012), and an AudioEngine D1 (bought for $140 in NYC, also in 2012). The D1 was a nice clean sound but I strained to hear much of a difference from a MacBook analogue output (all headphones).
The other two DACs were stunning and convincing upgrades in their respective systems. The Benchmark has been a workhorse and you can search the forum for my views on it - I think it's amazing, but it costs a lot of money and it ought be. And it still manages to be a bargain.
The Cambridge - the first series of the DACMagic - was just as convincing, As an upgrade I mean - it's nowhere close to the Banchmark. But in every combo in which I've tried it, the A/B test of any digital source with the DAC in and out of the system was utterly convincing.
Mind you, I wouldn't call it more analogue. If you wanted to knock either DAC, you'd say the Benchmark was clinical and the DACMagic was bright. Probably not what you are looking for, even though I feel sure you would prefer either to no external DAC at all.
Maybe you could have a look at a DAC with a tubed output stage? You could have your cake and eat it too - the output of a DAC could almost be called a little preamp. So there are DACs out there that are specifically designed for your request - Music Hall is one I can think of.
Good luck!