What a minefield... and I thought I knew a tiny bit about it.


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hello all,

edit: first post, so go easy on me ;-)

I've had my panasonic 36 inch tube TV for years now, and to be honest it's been a good set. For SD TV, I actually still quite like it in comparison to some of my mates LCD or Plasma TV's. However, it's time for me to embrace HD a little bit more and change my set for a new one.

One of the first TV's that caught my eye when I wasn't really looking for a new TV was the SonyKDL-40HX803 3D LED backlit TV. Seemed like both the 3D and 2D pictures were pretty good, and he viewing angle was more than suitable for my lounge.

This got me thinking about TV's a little more, so I nipped down to Bennetts near me who have a good range and a little more knowledge than your average currys chap. At Bennetts they seemed very pro the Panasonic plasma TV's (whether for personal pref of commission i'm not sure). The showed me the Panasonic TX-P42GT20B 3D plasma TV, although they didn't show me much in the way of different source on it. For about 1700 odd quid I could get the TV, stand, cables, and full surround sound (the one that gets the good reviews worth about £600). Now, from what I did see it looked ok, and the sound on the surround sound was pretty good. He said the normal TV sound is Ok too, although he didn't have it set up to well for me to hear. I looked into this TV a bit more and the reviews seem pretty good, although the 2D doesn't seem to be as cracking as the 3D from what I hear.

Now, the one thing i noticed whilst there is how the Samsung TV's pictures seem to grab your eye. They are usually showing cartoons though, and the chap at comet said that LED/LCD are great for games and cartoons, but not so good for normal TV colours such as football pitches ;-)

So, I looked into the Samsung TV's and I quite like the look of the Samsung UE46C8000. It's quite a bit more than the panasonic, but the reviews were good (apart from crosstalk and consistency of backlighting), and the set I think looks stunning. Although the screen is 4 inches bigger, it doesn't seem to look too imposing due to the design.

So, in comet today I thought I would try and look at them both with the same content. I got the chap to get a blue ray disk which had both cartoon and non-cartoon content to look at them both. It's really tough to compare them. You never know whether its the cables the setup or whatever that makes the difference, and I guess it comes down to preference.

However, I would love to hear your views on the following:
[*]Which of the three would you have - the sony, the panasonic or the samsung - or is there a better one for the money (phillips?)[*]The comet chap pointed out that the LCD was 200mhz and the plasma was 600, but is that a fair comparison with different technologies.[*]The pictures seem to be vibrant versus natural (samsung vs panasonic). Does the samsung make natural scenes like grass look too mental and fake, or is it just a matter of adjusting either set to the way you like it. [*]Even on normal blu ray stuff, the samsung seem to be a crystal clear picture, where the panasonic had some grainyness - do you think that was the setup?[*]Will i notice the crosstalk that much on the samsung or sony versus the panasonics plasma?[*]The 46" samsung had better reviews than the 40" or should I consider the 40". the reason i ask is that i think 40-42" would suit my room really if im honest, but the 46 samsung didn't look too big, and I have been told that its bigger is better with 3d[*]Panasonic 3d glasses get slated form comfort, where the samsung ones don't so much

At the end of the day I want a good 2d tv that can also do good 3d when required. I have kept this 36" one so long whilst always 'waiting to see what happens with the tv wars', but i think i might eternally be waiting to see. I could -wait for more 3d devs, or wait for OLED, or wait for ever!

One last thing. I'm a sky user, so sky HD will be the main source.

Sorry for the vomiting of my thoughts, but I really am getting a headache trying to figure this all out ;-)




one final thing.. there is always the panasonic VT version... although both bennetts and comet didn't think the extra was worth it... But is it??? perhaps they just try to match against what you think you want to pay.. Sometimes sales training doesn't pay off ;-)


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However, I would love to hear your views on the following:

[*]Which of the three would you have - the sony, the panasonic or the samsung - or is there a better one for the money (phillips?)
[*]The comet chap pointed out that the LCD was 200mhz and the plasma was 600, but is that a fair comparison with different technologies.
[*]The pictures seem to be vibrant versus natural (samsung vs panasonic). Does the samsung make natural scenes like grass look too mental and fake, or is it just a matter of adjusting either set to the way you like it.
[*]Even on normal blu ray stuff, the samsung seem to be a crystal clear picture, where the panasonic had some grainyness - do you think that was the setup?
[*]Will i notice the crosstalk that much on the samsung or sony versus the panasonics plasma?
[*]The 46" samsung had better reviews than the 40" or should I consider the 40". the reason i ask is that i think 40-42" would suit my room really if im honest, but the 46 samsung didn't look too big, and I have been told that its bigger is better with 3d
[*]Panasonic 3d glasses get slated form comfort, where the samsung ones don't so much

1 - for 3D you realy should buy a plasma as LCDs just dont react quick enough

2 - no. The 600Hz isnt a true comparison. I wouldnt even think about the Hz range

3 - ALL tvs need calibrating. You cant possibly compare tvs in a shop expecting them to look their best

4 - yes. I suspect the samsung had some form of filter switched on

5 - almost cetainly

6 - I see no reason not to (bad reviews as in?)

7 - I personally have zero interest in 3D until glasses are not required and theyve sorted out all the kinks


Thanks for your response. Your answer to 7 is interesting, and makes me wonder if I should wait a few more months or buy a cheaper non 3D set and look at this again in a few years.

For 2d would you still look at plasma, or a samsung LED backlit set? Also, if I go plasma, do you think the extra for the Panasonic VT sets is worth it?

Thanks again,



I guess another way I could have asked these questions is: I have a budget of up to about £1800 and want a great TV with the cables! I have been considering 3D if it's worth it, but not at the expense of good 2D. I watch movies, sport, tv and play games, and I'm a but fussy ;-) If the sound is a bit rubbish, I guess I will need to consider additional sound!

Any thoughts ;-)




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If your not bothered about power usage, the VT is the way to go

If you are id go with the sony (The samsung is a very fine set, but without professional calibration its greyscale is way out)


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On a side note, if you DO go for a plasma 3D tv, the 42" panasonics dont deliver a true 1080 resolution and so youll get some 'flicker'

Only the 50" ones have true 1080 3D resolutions


I didn't know that. The Panasonic website says it does do full HD 3D.. So what does 'true' mean in this sense.

One other q. if you ignore the 3D side of things, how do the sony, panny and samsung compare.

Really appreciate your input. thanks.



Just to make matters worse, I have just read that Samsung are going to change their 3d glasses for 2011 to bluetooth and panasonic may be looking to adopt a standard.. So, it may be worth waiting.


On a side note, if you DO go for a plasma 3D tv, the 42" panasonics dont deliver a true 1080 resolution and so youll get some 'flicker'

Only the 50" ones have true 1080 3D resolutions


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I didn't know that. The Panasonic website says it does do full HD 3D.. So what does 'true' mean in this sense.

One other q. if you ignore the 3D side of things, how do the sony, panny and samsung compare.

Really appreciate your input. thanks.


Taken from a source im afraid im unable to post

Basically it means that any 3D 1080 material viewed on the 42" pans goes through some form of processing (aside from 3D) that means what you see onscreen isnt untouched, unlike the 50" version which is far cleaner and is untouched

To put it another way, 3D looks far better on the 50" pan that it does the 42" pan

On another note, for whatever reason, the 42" pans also have VERY bad input lag (47ms). And whilst the 50" is supposed to be far better, some people have reported otherwise (like there are various versions of the tv). Input lag is VERY bad for gaming, and 47ms would definitely have lip sync issues if your av amp didnt compensate.


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