Web Guide


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Everyone...

I need your suggestions,,

I know that there is a lot of web sites out there containing hi-fi reviews that can be helpful to guide the costumer because their objectivity,

but there also website that can mislead us with their reviews. Do you now what web site that must be visited before we purchase hi-fi item and web that should be avoided..

Thanks a Lot..
Willy7_mu:Do you now what web site that must be visited before we purchase hi-fi item

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Andrew Everard:

Willy7_mu:Do you now what web site that must be visited before we purchase hi-fi item

You're on it now...

Mmmmm..... Are you sure we're not on the "must be avoided" pile?
Well, i can only suggest one site that i use to get a good balanced view of kit and that is EDITED BY MODS - House Rules. Visitors submit their reviews and this way with some cd players for example, you get multiple users point of view, not just one person and if there are inherent tech problems known about a cd player or amp etc; you will read all about it ! I never really put my faith in "official" magazine reviews of anything.
But fine to frequent a magazine's website, eh?

Just a reminder that users can add their own opinions to any of our product reviews here online. Oh, and that our reviews aren't the opinion 'of just one person', as we team-test everything. In dedicated facilities. With the benefit of comparing each product to its price/class rivals.
Clare - sorry if my message seemed like i was having a pop at WHFSAV, i didnt mean it that way.

What i meant to say is i read as much about a piece of kit as possible, whether it is from a magazine or a online user review, but i never put my trust in any one source of review because so many things can influence a persons opinion when they review something, and the only way you can really know how something sounds is by listening in your own listening area at home, a person can say this sounds or that sounds, but when you add room characteristics, personal preference, cabling used, stands used, musical tastes etc; there is a multitude of things that can affect a review. Its tricky with Hifi.

But its important to have magazines like WHFSAV and user reviews online to get a basic idea where to start.
sthomas048:i never put my trust in any one source of review because so many things can influence a persons opinion when they review something

Which again is why our reviews aren't a person's opinion...


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