Warm, sweet and smooth sounding speaker cable and interconnects.


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Feb 20, 2012
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Im looking to upgrade my interconnects to achieve a warmer sound with sweeter mid range etc. Can any1 reccomend me both speaker cable and interconnects for this job?

i will be buying second hand and have a budget of £50 for i,c's and upt to £100 for speaker cable.



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Feb 20, 2012
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thanks for the replies so far guys. i am definately inclined towards van den hul, just which particualr model? i believe the integraton is a good cable?

my current equipment is pass labs x5 power amp (soon to be changed with a 2 channel one) musical fidelity a5 preamp and sugden cd21 series 2 cdp. Speakers are monitor audio rs6.

Im happy with the sound, just want to make it more warm if possible. im hoping to partner my a5 power amp with a matching musical fidelity power amp to create better synergy between components.

the room atm has just been converted so has wooden floor, no blinds as yet. room is pretty bare atm, with just a snooker table in the middle.

i have placed 2 pieces of carpet under my speakers which improved the sound i would say.

keep the reccomendations coming guys.


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Aug 21, 2009
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Any slight brightness is likely to be a mixture of your speakers and the room acoustics.

What are your cables at the moment?


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Feb 20, 2012
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i agree that the speakers are attributable to the bright sound, however i have found ways to tame this. my speaker cable was originally qed xt350(containing silver) which i changed to qed original biwire, with improved results. however i dont have suffiecient length of this cable really, and feel perhaps i cud gain even better results with better speaker cable.

interconnects i used jps labs ultra conducter and van den hul the bay. i swaped around my jps interconnect for a cheaper ixos one and again the sound was less bright. so i just want to match everything up in terms of sonic signature of interconnects and speakers cables.

the record spot

Some multistrand speaker cable will be good - 400 or 500 strand, while for the money you're looking to spend, any branded copper cable will do. I use Computergear ones which cost me £8 and are virtually indistinguishable from the Atlas Navigators (£220+) which they replaced. You pays your money...

Kevin Stephens

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With a system as good as yours I think you would be missing out on the potential of your components at only £50 for interconnects. I was amazed at the difference Chord Chorus 2 made to the warmth and clarity of my MF A3.5 system. Any good dealer should be able to lend you samples of ICs for home demo if you leave a deposit


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Feb 8, 2008
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If you are yet to fully furnish and decorate your room, I'd be inclined to wait until it is all finished. You will be surprised at the sound difference. At that point you will be in a better position to decide what it is your system appears to need.


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Overdose said:
If you are yet to fully furnish and decorate your room, I'd be inclined to wait until it is all finished. You will be surprised at the sound difference. At that point you will be in a better position to decide what it is your system appears to need.



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Nov 21, 2010
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shooter69 said:
Overdose said:
If you are yet to fully furnish and decorate your room, I'd be inclined to wait until it is all finished. You will be surprised at the sound difference. At that point you will be in a better position to decide what it is your system appears to need.


+ 2. This will have a much bigger difference on the sound than cables possibly could.

If the room were finished, I was going to suggest spending your money on acoustic panels, which again have much more chance of taming brightness than cables.


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Feb 20, 2012
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i agreee about the comments on the room guys, but my cables need changing anyway, so just looking for cables that suit my taste really. iv seen van den hul magnum speaker cable which looks good for what im looking for.

Any other reccomendations?


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May 25, 2011
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krish123 said:
i agreee about the comments on the room guys, but my cables need changing anyway, so just looking for cables that suit my taste really. iv seen van den hul magnum speaker cable which looks good for what im looking for.

Any other reccomendations?

You sure you are on the right track??? 'Looking good'?, perhaps I'm taking your statement to literally, but some of these cables 'looks nice', cost a lot and deliver very little more, if any, for the extra premium? The only way is to audition if you possibly can, especially in a room thats lively?

I have done some listening recently with cable that ranged from £5pm, £16.50pm to £45pm, see; 'you pays your money and takes your choice'. The 16.50 cable was a disaster, the £45 and £5 cables were as near as could be, a draw (according to taste;) ) . . . its a no brainer IMHO. For £5pm you dont get eye candy, however you do get a prestigious name: like Linn:cheers:



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Feb 20, 2012
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hi there, i didnt literally mean looks gd in terms of appearance. i meant in the style of sound it has been said to produce. i totally respect your comments about the price of cables, so i need to think carefully about how much im williong to spend. this is one of the reasons im going second hand to pick up better deals.


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Mar 23, 2013
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Which cables will be better for my Klipsch RF-62 II

Chord Signature or Qed Genesis?

Maybe connect those two together?

Bi amp?



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Jul 31, 2010
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Kevin Stephens said:
With a system as good as yours I think you would be missing out on the potential of your components at only £50 for interconnects. I was amazed at the difference Chord Chorus 2 made to the warmth and clarity of my MF A3.5 system. Any good dealer should be able to lend you samples of ICs for home demo if you leave a deposit

That's what I thought too....


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Mar 7, 2013
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I had a very interesting experience listening to Linn and Naim equipment some months ago when I was looking for a new streamer. I listened to the equipment with both Linn and Naim cables before these were changed for Mogami speaker cables. The difference was very noticable. The Naim in particular sounded much more natural to me with this cable. I haven't gone down the Linn or Naim route but this cable is definitely worth an audition. I think if I remember correctly it's less than £15 a metre. The only places I know that stock it are the Sound Organisation in York and Mike Manning in Yeovil, there may be others.


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